come on!!!!! [転載禁止]©

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0001Anonymous2015/01/16(Fri) 04:13:18.26
get out!!!!!

0002Anonymous2015/01/16(Fri) 06:55:50.26
ok for one, meow is literally my catphrase (see what i did there)
whenever someone says meow on fb or something, i respond HEY! that's MY catphrase

thing 2... i was so depressed at one point in my life that i tried to put myself into a coma by
drinking too much water. it involved me watching too much robot chicken, and drinking from 3 full
big glasses of water over and over without hardly stopping. i dont think it worked though because
i urinated too much. good source of water though! ;D

0003Anonymous2015/01/16(Fri) 07:42:25.62

0004Anonymous2015/01/16(Fri) 07:52:08.47

0005Anonymous2015/05/25(Mon) 16:53:35.66
        ヾ  /    < 仮面ライダー555が>
       ,. -ヤ'''カー、   /Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒Yヾ
 ー―ァ  /r⌒|:::|⌒ヾ
   _ノ オ{(  |0|  )} オオオォォォォ!!!!!
     __,ヽ,ヾ,_|V|,_ノ、/ ,r-,,=
    ,゛==ゝ_ViV_ノ~i/ 〃 `ー―-、
    /  /⌒`//´⌒c/^^^ ))))))))))
 ,,―イ  {ー''"~{ {~゛`ー`/'`'~/ー--―'
))   ,./ゝ_/∧ゝ_ノ  ノ
 ー''"  |ロ  ロ    |
< >>555ゲットだ>

0006Anonymous2015/09/16(Wed) 12:45:02.68

0007Anonymous2015/09/16(Wed) 19:49:17.88
Shortfall in human resources

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