Why are there so many japs here speaking jap??

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0001Anonymous2019/01/13(Sun) 00:00:59.36
I thought the embassy boards were for gaijins??

0002Anonymous2019/01/13(Sun) 00:04:21.47
yes, this is unkô.

0003Anonymous2019/01/13(Sun) 00:07:32.78
you should revere Dr.NIP

0004Anonymous2019/01/13(Sun) 00:13:50.78
You sould upload PENIS before anything.

0005Anonymous2019/01/13(Sun) 00:47:21.19

0006Anonymous2019/01/13(Sun) 01:07:04.86
ni'p')nCommon language is Japanese in NIP.Get out of here if you hate it.

0007Anonymous2019/01/13(Sun) 01:42:04.87
NIP is not for japs,not for gaijins,but for NIPPER!

0008Anonymous2019/01/13(Sun) 06:39:23.53

0009Anonymous2019/01/13(Sun) 16:51:03.34
nip dosent give a shit, they don't care 'bout fucking rule ٩(๑`^´๑)۶
you know that's how mafia works ☆ミ(*'ω'*)

0010Anonymous2019/01/13(Sun) 21:23:20.46
Gaijins are always welcome!!
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 (  ,ハ    |,r-r-|   人! :  .   : | ||ヽ、 `ニニ´ .:::::,イ| ||イ| / :
,.ヘ,)、  )>,、_`ニニ´_,.イ  ハ :    : レ ル` ー--─ ´ルレ レ´

0011Anonymous2019/01/13(Sun) 22:18:54.89
It was said the word of "gaijin" is also hating word.
We shouldn't use.

0012Anonymous2019/01/14(Mon) 03:20:27.09
who cares

0013Anonymous2019/01/15(Tue) 21:05:04.65
We have already occupied this board. HAHA

0014Anonymous2019/01/15(Tue) 22:40:12.26
You can enjoy shitposting here.

0015Anonymous2019/01/18(Fri) 01:24:23.46
don't make me come down there

0016Anonymous2019/01/20(Sun) 23:12:56.52
What should you use then?

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