Silent Hill 1,2 and 3 are best things that happened to gaming industry since 1999...
I just cannot stop playing this shit.
I am currently finishing 3 part, and going for 4...
After 4 i am not going to play because japs are not involved anymore and konami is motherfucker.
Btw Silent Hill 1 is emulator only, Silent Hill 2 is unplayable without hacks,
and Silent Hill 3 and 4 are okay i guess.
Tips for Silent Hill 2: If you have strong enough PC to run emulator, then go for it.
Otherwise[i prefer PC] you have to disable all cpu cores and leave one.
I know how to do this on linux and i dont know how to do that on win. So disable all cores, just leave one working!
That will prevent sound from looping and cutscenes wont freeze.
What do you think about Silent Hill? [無断転載禁止]©
2017/02/22(Wed) 04:12:09.852Anonymous
2017/02/22(Wed) 04:15:55.80 and btw, i think you should do it for Silent Hill 3 also, two cores are enough, rest needs to be disabled.
2023/01/22(Sun) 18:01:22.46 TEST
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