Arrested in 25 potato chips bags opened suspect."I wanted baseball cards."
I wanted to know the contents of the bonus -.
In the shopping center in Hamamatsu, Higashi-ku, in the 25 bag of professional baseball player card of potato chips bonus,
As put the cut with scissors, Hamamatsu Higashisho 6 days, announced that Toyokawa, Aichi Prefecture Nakajo-cho Miyatsubo, unemployed Noboru Matsuo suspect (51) was arrested on suspicion of destruction of property.
That has admitted the charges and "Giants of the card is wanted."
According to the police, Matsuo suspect is about 20 minutes from 5 pm 1 hour 55 minutes around, at the same center,
Bonus card with potato chips 25 bags (1 bag 90 yen, a total of 2250 yen) there is a suspicion that got off to a bonus of bag with scissors. The suspect is, cut the bonus of the bag for a total of 35 bags,
It was purchased 10 bags you like to check the contents of the card. That was stopped by the security guards the place leaving the center to return the other 25 bags of the commodity shelf.
PID: 21354
[0.089347 sec.]
おまけの [無断転載禁止]©
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1†Mango Mangüé ⭐ (ワッチョイWW 878b-OnqS)
2016/12/09(金) 19:39:04.664484ID:NGQcajxc0■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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