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1Board maker さん
2023/10/01(日) 04:13:34.00ID:automakeR2Anonymous
2024/05/30(Thu) 17:11:57.47 tes
2024/08/18(Sun) 09:10:19.29 Nice to meet you It is a story about people who were socially persecuted in the country of Japan and received love from the empress and the imperial family of the country of Japan. Social status, marriage, lovers, property, dreams, look at the value of victims who have lost everything It is a universal message over the life of a member of Japan's mass media.
I work in the mass media in Japan
There was something I really wanted to tell you, so I contacted you
There are people in Japan who have suffered social persecution
They're writing novels, their faces are like lions, and they quit the company when they were young because they got emotional.
It was terrible
It was a very terrible society
In Japan, a person who wrote a lion with a lion face and wrote a novel and quit the company because he became emotional when he was young is called KORE.
I have a family of people who have a lion's face and used to write novels, quit their jobs when they were young because they got emotional.
They went through the same things, the same suffering, the same pain, and so on
Because they have the same pain, they feel the same way.
That feeling is something that no one else can feel
It's like a sense of solidarity
I work in the mass media in Japan
There was something I really wanted to tell you, so I contacted you
There are people in Japan who have suffered social persecution
They're writing novels, their faces are like lions, and they quit the company when they were young because they got emotional.
It was terrible
It was a very terrible society
In Japan, a person who wrote a lion with a lion face and wrote a novel and quit the company because he became emotional when he was young is called KORE.
I have a family of people who have a lion's face and used to write novels, quit their jobs when they were young because they got emotional.
They went through the same things, the same suffering, the same pain, and so on
Because they have the same pain, they feel the same way.
That feeling is something that no one else can feel
It's like a sense of solidarity
2024/08/18(Sun) 09:13:41.49 Please read to the end
What did the mass media in your country do?
What did the people in power in your country do?
The perpetrators of mass media, the mass media, have created discrimination and persecution, and the discrimination against the yellow people is famous.
The perpetrator of the state, the perpetrator, started the war Look at Ukraine.
A few years ago, the perpetrators of natural disasters caused hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes
They gave birth to many victims
Some people quit their jobs, some lost their right arms, some lost their homes, some lost their families.
KORE, which was discriminated against and used by the mass media in Japan, is also the case KORE, who was a lion in the shape of a face, who wrote novels, and who quit the company because they became emotional when they were young.
It has become a serious social problem in Japan
What do you think of the fact that they are now able to live brightly and happily?
What do you think of them living their lives normally as before and smiling as a family?
It's really, really great.
What did the mass media in your country do?
What did the people in power in your country do?
The perpetrators of mass media, the mass media, have created discrimination and persecution, and the discrimination against the yellow people is famous.
The perpetrator of the state, the perpetrator, started the war Look at Ukraine.
A few years ago, the perpetrators of natural disasters caused hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes
They gave birth to many victims
Some people quit their jobs, some lost their right arms, some lost their homes, some lost their families.
KORE, which was discriminated against and used by the mass media in Japan, is also the case KORE, who was a lion in the shape of a face, who wrote novels, and who quit the company because they became emotional when they were young.
It has become a serious social problem in Japan
What do you think of the fact that they are now able to live brightly and happily?
What do you think of them living their lives normally as before and smiling as a family?
It's really, really great.
2024/08/18(Sun) 09:14:03.78 I'll give you the example of war victims, and the people who are doing their best to live despite the loss of their arms are really, really amazing.
"The powerful mass media and the powerful state are amazing."
There are people like that
Such is the war that the United States waged
Everybody says America won, America is strong, America is amazing.
But it's not the U.S. that won that is really amazing.
It is a victim of that war
People who live hard even after losing their legs, people who live proudly even in the face of racism, families who spend their time with smiles even in difficult situations, don't you think they are really amazing?
KORE in Japan is the same as the victims of the war
I really suffered, really, really suffered, and I was even in danger of death.
I was writing a novel > I got into trouble at work and quit >> A person with a face like a lion = KORE
It's really, really amazing that the victims are living positively and happily.
Hurricane Victims War Victims Victims Denigrated by the Mass Media
It's really, really worth it for them to live positively and happily.
"It is the value of the victim to live positively."
Can't we see the value of the victim as something universal?
Can't we see the value of the victim as something universal?
Such a victim in Japan is KORE
"The powerful mass media and the powerful state are amazing."
There are people like that
Such is the war that the United States waged
Everybody says America won, America is strong, America is amazing.
But it's not the U.S. that won that is really amazing.
It is a victim of that war
People who live hard even after losing their legs, people who live proudly even in the face of racism, families who spend their time with smiles even in difficult situations, don't you think they are really amazing?
KORE in Japan is the same as the victims of the war
I really suffered, really, really suffered, and I was even in danger of death.
I was writing a novel > I got into trouble at work and quit >> A person with a face like a lion = KORE
It's really, really amazing that the victims are living positively and happily.
Hurricane Victims War Victims Victims Denigrated by the Mass Media
It's really, really worth it for them to live positively and happily.
"It is the value of the victim to live positively."
Can't we see the value of the victim as something universal?
Can't we see the value of the victim as something universal?
Such a victim in Japan is KORE
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