Welcome to the new 'tomjoad' board!
Let's enjoy!
Welcome to the new 'tomjoad' board!
1Board maker さん
2022/10/28(金) 16:45:15.00ID:automakeR2Grapes of no name
2022/10/28(金) 18:15:29.43ID:IHznv0Mr0 Okay
2022/10/29(土) 03:53:47.76ID:x2oLDVglH
Post here.
4Grapes of no name
2022/10/29(土) 04:04:43.86ID:x2oLDVglH This is a text board. If you want to put an image. Put the link to the image in the remarks block.
5Grapes of no name
2022/10/29(土) 05:09:19.28ID:dwolzlFJ0 test 2
6Grapes of no name
2022/10/29(土) 13:18:58.50ID:k09IkrAU0NIKU Thanks Jim!
2023/03/19(日) 23:17:00.21ID:aop0sbVGa
8Grapes of no name
2023/08/30(水) 10:56:45.60ID:sUfN5VlUH もあ
9Grapes of no name
2023/08/30(水) 10:56:51.93ID:sUfN5VlUH もあ
10Grapes of no name
2023/08/30(水) 10:56:53.90ID:sUfN5VlUH もあ
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