The fuck y'all usin' moon runes for?
Why don't you just use your language in SUPERIOR ROMAN CHARACTERS
Just why guys [無断転載禁止]©
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2016/04/30(Sat) 01:33:04.772Anonymous
2016/04/30(Sat) 01:40:27.38 2get
2016/04/30(Sat) 02:02:38.73 Japanese looks like shit and is hard to read in roman characters
2016/04/30(Sat) 02:16:39.84 dude wtf
how can you say its hard to read when otherwise you'd have to memorize like a trillion characters
at least use fucking kana or something
how can you say its hard to read when otherwise you'd have to memorize like a trillion characters
at least use fucking kana or something
2016/04/30(Sat) 02:31:48.74 I'm curious, to which extent is tripfagging tolerated in 2ch?
2016/04/30(Sat) 02:33:51.75 Why do you care so much? Just do whatever you want.
2016/04/30(Sat) 02:43:27.77 糞スレ
2016/04/30(Sat) 04:12:03.40 I used to wonder the same thing until I actually started learning Japanese.
It doesn't take long for you to realize that it's actually much better with kanji. Also, I think the purpose of kanji was actually to make learning the language more difficult for foreigners, so it's actually doing its job just fine.
It doesn't take long for you to realize that it's actually much better with kanji. Also, I think the purpose of kanji was actually to make learning the language more difficult for foreigners, so it's actually doing its job just fine.
2016/04/30(Sat) 04:22:18.25 You know what?
I'm Japanese, but can't use Kanji
Why would you make language so difficult?
I can't even read a newspaper!
I'm Japanese, but can't use Kanji
Why would you make language so difficult?
I can't even read a newspaper!
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