2ch looks like shit now [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
0001Anonymous垢版2017/05/08(Mon) 16:37:03.58
What did you do?! I don't want to use Jane Reader now.
0002Anonymous垢版2017/05/08(Mon) 20:29:51.19
0003Anonymous垢版2017/05/08(Mon) 20:30:24.81
0004Anonymous垢版2017/05/09(Tue) 10:51:30.18
What the fuck is all this JavaScript bullshit?
That retard Ron tried to make 2ch look like 4ch.
0005Anonymous垢版2017/05/10(Wed) 21:59:47.82
        /_ノ  ヽ、_\             <OH GOD IT LOOKS EVEN WORSE NOW(wwwwwwwww
 ミ ミ ミ  o゚((●)) ((●))゚o      ミ ミ ミ
/⌒)⌒)⌒. ::::::⌒(__人__)⌒:::\   /⌒)⌒)⌒)
| / / /      |r┬-|    | (⌒)/ / / //  
| :::::::::::(⌒)    | |  |   /  ゝ  :::::::::::/
|     ノ     | |  |   \  /  )  /  
ヽ    /      `ー'´      ヽ /    /     
 |    |   l||l 从人 l||l      l||l 从人 l||l   バ   
 ヽ    -一''''''"〜〜``'ー--、   -一'''''''ー-、 ン
  ヽ ____(⌒)(⌒)⌒) )  (⌒_(⌒)⌒)⌒)) バ
0006Anonymous垢版2017/05/10(Wed) 23:05:14.52
0007Anonymous垢版2017/05/10(Wed) 23:11:17.74
Are you a foreigner?
0008Anonymous垢版2017/05/11(Thu) 13:18:32.11
What is that "CP" next to the 3:7レス
0009Anonymous垢版2017/05/16(Tue) 13:00:16.56
I'm starting to miss Hiroyuki now wwww
0010Anonymous垢版2017/05/17(Wed) 15:04:47.27
at least make the font 1em/16px you dumb nigger
0011Anonymous垢版2017/07/01(Sat) 19:56:08.77
How did it look like before?
0012Anonymous垢版2017/08/30(Wed) 13:22:52.24
pathetic attempt at bringing in the retards from 8ch
0013Anonymous垢版2017/08/31(Thu) 03:08:17.21
That's pretty dumb. Almost no one who uses 8ch will want to use this site, no matter what.
0014Anonymous垢版2017/08/31(Thu) 03:44:59.92
there's a link to 8/b/ on one of the anarchy boards, i forgot which
0015Anonymous垢版2017/08/31(Thu) 13:11:41.52
Still doesn't change the fact.
0016Anonymous垢版2017/09/01(Fri) 10:32:54.09
your "fact" doesn't conflict with codemonkey being a dumb piece of shit
0017Anonymous垢版2017/09/01(Fri) 13:42:46.70
My friend, I don't disagree with you on that they're not very bright to implement these shitty changes. Just that it's most likely didn't have anything to do with 8ch.

But yes, these changes just make it look like a watered down version of an imageboard.
0018Anonymous垢版2018/03/17(Sat) 20:43:19.61
☆ 日本の核武装は早急に必須です。総務省の、
0019Anonymous垢版2018/03/22(Thu) 03:57:35.22
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
