They're all barely alive.
I wish textboards were more active on the west [無断転載禁止]©
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
2017/09/10(Sun) 16:55:29.442Anonymous
2017/09/11(Mon) 04:42:00.99 is sorta active.
4-ch's /dqn/ is pretty active.
4-ch's /dqn/ is pretty active.
2017/09/11(Mon) 05:32:22.95 /dqn/ is shit lol
2017/09/11(Mon) 12:44:59.48 >>3
Not really. It's the saviour of textboards.
Not really. It's the saviour of textboards.
2017/09/11(Mon) 13:13:05.00 it's a lame attempt at being shitty like VIP except instead of making a lot of threads they keep everything contained in even more boring threads
2017/09/11(Mon) 17:43:39.347Anonymous
2017/09/12(Tue) 08:20:46.45 >>6
Not really, the spic one at the beginning is more active.
Not really, the spic one at the beginning is more active.
2017/09/12(Tue) 12:06:06.51 >>7
It actually isn't. Look again.
It actually isn't. Look again.
2017/09/12(Tue) 12:20:42.71 >>6
the whole point is doing nothing but "do X in thread until 1000" like barely anybody on 2ch does (except maybe the anarchy board)?
also both 4-ch and saovq did nothing but take 2ch jokes, completely butchered them and revised what they were supposed to be. it's fucking garbage
the whole point is doing nothing but "do X in thread until 1000" like barely anybody on 2ch does (except maybe the anarchy board)?
also both 4-ch and saovq did nothing but take 2ch jokes, completely butchered them and revised what they were supposed to be. it's fucking garbage
2017/09/12(Tue) 12:48:16.27 >>9
Stop moving the goalposts, friendo
Not all threads are like that, and even then it wouldn't change anything
Stop moving the goalposts, friendo
Not all threads are like that, and even then it wouldn't change anything
2017/09/12(Tue) 14:28:16.92 >>7
Dude are you high?
/dqn/ alone is faster than all of BaI. Check your info before making shitposts.
Dude are you high?
/dqn/ alone is faster than all of BaI. Check your info before making shitposts.
2017/09/13(Wed) 02:36:13.09 >>11
[citation needed]
[citation needed]
2017/09/13(Wed) 03:07:20.6514Anonymous
2017/09/13(Wed) 03:41:02.78 >>13
> i tell you it's shit and you tell me
> > That's the whole point.
I didn't say that, retard.
You said:
> it's a lame attempt at being shitty like VIP except instead of making a lot of threads they keep everything contained in even more boring threads
That's what I responded to. And in case you still don't get it, I'm talking about this part "instead of making a lot of threads they keep everything contained in even more boring threads."
> since when do we care about how fast a fucking textboard is
Nigger, that guy claimed something, and I told him it's not true. If you're not that guy, then don't ask terrible questions.
> oh, youre new
New to what???
> [citation needed]
All you need to do is open /dqn/, and look at the time of the recent posts. Yes it's not obvious at first, but if you make a post you can tell what day the recent posts were made in.
Since you want others to do your homework, I'll tell you what I see: First 14 threads all have been bumped by posts made today, and they have active discussions. But if you browse BaI and look at the fucking index you'll see a list of recent posts;
only 21 posts made today & yesterday, with less than half being from today, the other part yesterday, and the rest being before that.
Which means /dqn/ alone gives all of BaI a run for its money.
> i tell you it's shit and you tell me
> > That's the whole point.
I didn't say that, retard.
You said:
> it's a lame attempt at being shitty like VIP except instead of making a lot of threads they keep everything contained in even more boring threads
That's what I responded to. And in case you still don't get it, I'm talking about this part "instead of making a lot of threads they keep everything contained in even more boring threads."
> since when do we care about how fast a fucking textboard is
Nigger, that guy claimed something, and I told him it's not true. If you're not that guy, then don't ask terrible questions.
> oh, youre new
New to what???
> [citation needed]
All you need to do is open /dqn/, and look at the time of the recent posts. Yes it's not obvious at first, but if you make a post you can tell what day the recent posts were made in.
Since you want others to do your homework, I'll tell you what I see: First 14 threads all have been bumped by posts made today, and they have active discussions. But if you browse BaI and look at the fucking index you'll see a list of recent posts;
only 21 posts made today & yesterday, with less than half being from today, the other part yesterday, and the rest being before that.
Which means /dqn/ alone gives all of BaI a run for its money.
2017/09/16(Sat) 05:38:34.27 >>13,14
I now pronounce you husband and wife
I now pronounce you husband and wife
2017/09/16(Sat) 15:34:09.49 Only >>13-14 works on 2ch, you NEWFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG
2017/09/16(Sat) 15:34:34.92 >>14
Gratuitous Japanese really showed him!
Gratuitous Japanese really showed him!
2017/09/16(Sat) 19:43:34.84 >>17
2017/09/18(Mon) 08:17:14.63 >>1-18
Fellow gaijins, this is no time to fight
We must join together to ensure a good future for western textboards and to prevent the Japs from monopolizing it!
Fellow gaijins, this is no time to fight
We must join together to ensure a good future for western textboards and to prevent the Japs from monopolizing it!
2017/09/22(Fri) 04:26:59.25 bump
2017/09/22(Fri) 18:48:46.06 kusosurewwwwwww
2017/09/22(Fri) 21:50:30.98 >>21
Pipe down, jap
Pipe down, jap
2017/09/24(Sun) 21:46:52.38 why do silly westerner always need to reference the previous post ww
2017/09/25(Mon) 00:04:09.01 >>23
2017/09/25(Mon) 02:58:48.27 >>23
2017/09/25(Mon) 06:27:56.86 >common sense
That's common sense for textboards, though.
That's common sense for textboards, though.
2017/09/25(Mon) 07:42:11.05 you idiots are so used to 4chan you even manually type >>[num] when you don't even have to
2017/09/25(Mon) 08:14:43.20 >>26
whom are you quoting?
whom are you quoting?
2017/09/25(Mon) 08:27:21.67 >>27
You fucking nigger, how else can people figure out who you're talking to?
world4ch and most other western textboards had clickable post numbers. Just because this site looks like ass and doesn't, doesn't mean everyone shouldn't cite posts.
You fucking nigger, how else can people figure out who you're talking to?
world4ch and most other western textboards had clickable post numbers. Just because this site looks like ass and doesn't, doesn't mean everyone shouldn't cite posts.
2017/09/29(Fri) 10:35:21.20 bump
2017/10/01(Sun) 22:27:12.22 >>19
What this guy said
What this guy said
2017/10/02(Mon) 20:54:51.82 やぁやぁ
2017/10/03(Tue) 02:42:17.46 🅱
2017/10/03(Tue) 07:12:06.7935Anonymous
2017/10/03(Tue) 15:28:31.67 >>29
It's common sense that if a post isn't quoting another, it's replying to the one above it, but you'd know this if you weren't a fucking newbie. ヽ(´ー`)ノ 4chan too worked like that during its first years.
It's common sense that if a post isn't quoting another, it's replying to the one above it, but you'd know this if you weren't a fucking newbie. ヽ(´ー`)ノ 4chan too worked like that during its first years.
2017/10/03(Tue) 23:58:12.92 >>29
>world4ch and most other western textboards had clickable post numbers
>Just because this site looks like ass and doesn't
Wow, you really are some dumb newfag who came from either 4chan or that 8ch shithole.
2ch has had browsers filled with functions, some of them barely useful even, since ever, yet Japanese still don't quote every single post when there's a function for it.
>world4ch and most other western textboards had clickable post numbers
>Just because this site looks like ass and doesn't
Wow, you really are some dumb newfag who came from either 4chan or that 8ch shithole.
2ch has had browsers filled with functions, some of them barely useful even, since ever, yet Japanese still don't quote every single post when there's a function for it.
2017/10/04(Wed) 12:57:57.91 >>35
not just 4chan, a similar behavior has always been present in traditional western forums, and it still happens today i.e. somethingawful
not just 4chan, a similar behavior has always been present in traditional western forums, and it still happens today i.e. somethingawful
2017/10/06(Fri) 00:02:08.32 >>36
Dude are you dumb or something? These are the embassy boards. Of course I'm not going to follow your retarded bullshit. And what the hell do you mean by ``newfag''? Are you some jap?
Why does it upset you so much that I want to EXPLICITLY mention which point I'm referring too?
Dude are you dumb or something? These are the embassy boards. Of course I'm not going to follow your retarded bullshit. And what the hell do you mean by ``newfag''? Are you some jap?
Why does it upset you so much that I want to EXPLICITLY mention which point I'm referring too?
2017/10/06(Fri) 07:16:58.56 I don't know about 4chan in its first years, but world4ch in its first years certainly wasn't all that.
Thread from 2004 I found
Thread from 2004 I found
2017/10/07(Sat) 03:16:48.46 >>38
If you don't know about this stuff you clearly don't belong here, you 8ch shitter.
If you don't know about this stuff you clearly don't belong here, you 8ch shitter.
2017/10/07(Sat) 04:04:49.84 I don't visit it
2017/10/10(Tue) 16:18:43.53 いいえ
2017/10/12(Thu) 02:39:16.81 4-ch needs a low budget intro video like B.a.I.
2017/10/12(Thu) 17:05:54.77 Why does it? it's pretty active already.
2017/10/12(Thu) 19:11:06.34 Because low budget videos are quality.
2017/10/22(Sun) 01:35:50.45 bump
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