The official Sakuga/Animation thread #1 (intl.) [転載禁止]©2ch.net
2016/11/15(Tue) 16:07:05.76174Anonymous
2016/12/13(Tue) 13:25:50.78 Please overlook my poor English.
I’m Japanese and interested in hand-drawn animation of Disney.
Would anyone show me websites that people are talking about sakuga of American animation?
I’m Japanese and interested in hand-drawn animation of Disney.
Would anyone show me websites that people are talking about sakuga of American animation?
2016/12/16(Fri) 13:35:31.79 Your English is fine. Try looking over on the animation subreddits @ reddit .com
Otherwise idk.. maybe tumblr? Though tumblr is aids.
We dont really gush about sakuga in the West :(
Otherwise idk.. maybe tumblr? Though tumblr is aids.
We dont really gush about sakuga in the West :(
2017/02/28(Tue) 20:01:53.75 >>174
Ur english suck. Go back to ur mom's pussy ayy lmao
Ur english suck. Go back to ur mom's pussy ayy lmao
2017/09/10(Sun) 18:03:05.01178Anonymous
2024/03/30(Sat) 20:02:16.40 Saturday
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