short version:
What is, in your opinion, the ethnic appearance (if any) of the cybernetic body of Major Motoko Kusanagi, specifically in the 1995 Mamoru Oshii film, Ghost in the Shell?
- Japanese? Caucasian? Other? None?
- Please also state your own nationality/ethnicity for reference.
long version:
There has been a discussion about the recent Scarlett Johansson casting as The Major in Ghost in the Shell hollywood movie. Subsequently, people have been arguing whether Motoko's body is made to look asian or not.
So i wanted to ask mostly japanese people, as GITS is a japanese work, what is their opinion.
We're talking specifically about the Mamoru Oshii adaptation, simply because thats where her appearance is most divising - many western people think she looks caucasian, many others think she is japanese.
Her name is japanese, of course, but there is some question about whether her artificial body looks japanese or not.
So if you could state your opinion and add what your own nationality is (as anyone, not just japanese is free to comment)
You can write a longer explanation or comment on any related topic, in any language if you like but please try to type your basic answer in english. For example:
Motoko - japanese
Me - american / white
Thank you
Is Motoko Kusanagi's body japanese or caucasian? [無断転載禁止]©
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
2016/11/04(Fri) 20:33:04.792Anonymous
2016/11/07(Mon) 18:46:12.18 President Trump
If you vote to trump. After.
Conscription would be resurrected.
He loves war! He said "Black is NOT a person".
Your children. U.S. younger generation's destiny.
It will be caught as prisoner in Arab war.
and they will be killed by torture.
So trump president who likes war.
He went to the blessing to the United Kingdom at the time of the Brexit.
He loves chaos. Racism fellow.
If you vote to trump. After.
Conscription would be resurrected.
He loves war! He said "Black is NOT a person".
Your children. U.S. younger generation's destiny.
It will be caught as prisoner in Arab war.
and they will be killed by torture.
So trump president who likes war.
He went to the blessing to the United Kingdom at the time of the Brexit.
He loves chaos. Racism fellow.
2016/11/07(Mon) 19:21:29.72 To labors
Let's toil for rich men and USA.
Let's toil for rich men and USA.
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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