Kemono Friends [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
0004Anonymous垢版2017/08/07(Mon) 15:06:12.01
When will the game app released?
0005Anonymous垢版2017/08/07(Mon) 17:07:34.44
i think this summer
but idk wait for information
0006Anonymous垢版2017/08/28(Mon) 12:15:47.29
today i watched the rerun of the episode 11.
Kaban-chan was killed :( im very sad now.
i want to go into the screen and help her!!!
0007Anonymous垢版2017/08/29(Tue) 13:33:39.13
kemono-friends was on tv as scheduled!!
im very happy to see friends helping kaban-chan,
and i want to thank them that helped her and the creator very much!!!!
0008Anonymous垢版2017/09/29(Fri) 14:01:20.69
tatuki kouban
0009Anonymous垢版2017/11/22(Wed) 20:25:17.78
hi i'm >>7
well, tatsuki was fired.
i really hope he came back.
and i don't know when i would make a next post.
good bye until then.
0010Anonymous垢版2017/11/23(Thu) 12:36:42.24
0011Anonymous垢版2017/12/16(Sat) 17:07:09.08

one more hiroshima
0012Anonymous垢版2018/01/19(Fri) 00:02:18.27
0013Anonymous垢版2018/01/22(Mon) 14:39:19.08
We develop and disclose EA (automatic trading tool) and signal indicator of MT4.
Please search 「EA development factory of SuperJunior」
0014Anonymous垢版2018/08/28(Tue) 23:48:29.52
Hey USA!
japanese「kemono friends」is dead.
because KADOKAWA kill her.
japanese fan is so sad… :)
please help we!
