Hey guys can we actually like use these textboards now that they're being shilled again?
Especially because /lit/ on 8ch is dead (and you don't need images to talk about books.)
Anyway, this thread is dedicated to books you have read recently or are currently reading.
I am currently reading The Federalist (AKA The Federalist Papers) by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison. It's a really good read
if you enjoy American history or enjoy the philosophy behind the nation itself.
I also read Lenz by Georg Butchner recently. It's a 60 or so page novella (a German work at that) but the prose is masterfully done and it
transitions to English extremely well. It's about this dude that goes crazy while living in the mountains, and it's based off of real journals.
Recent/Current Reads [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
2017/02/16(Thu) 16:41:08.3226Anonymous
2018/05/16(Wed) 12:23:42.72 Business.nikkeibp.co.jp/atcl
2018/05/16(Wed) 12:24:48.7228Anonymous
2018/05/30(Wed) 11:33:18.5629Anonymous
2018/06/12(Tue) 13:53:42.14 Reading dragons seed at the moment. Pretty good insight into china pre-WW2.
Lots of fun to read as well. although It's overdue from the library... I should deal with that.
Lots of fun to read as well. although It's overdue from the library... I should deal with that.
2018/11/18(Sun) 00:25:12.0331Anonymous
2022/10/12(Wed) 02:56:24.89 TEST
2022/12/12(Mon) 00:04:50.55 test
2023/01/09(Mon) 07:29:47.48 TEST
2023/01/21(Sat) 17:09:35.32 test
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