today's dish
2018/02/02(Fri) 21:41:27.57 and music,etc...
2018/02/03(Sat) 10:51:23.05 is anybody in there?
2018/02/03(Sat) 10:52:56.05 isn't it?
2018/02/03(Sat) 10:54:31.23 hm...
2018/02/03(Sat) 13:36:43.32 it's very quit and relaxing board :)
2018/02/03(Sat) 13:37:59.24 quit -> quiet
2018/02/03(Sat) 13:43:18.61 ah well...
2018/02/03(Sat) 13:49:12.65 * today's breakfast *
baked cheese on a whole grain bread
salad (carrot, cabbage, purple onion)
milk tea x2
baked cheese on a whole grain bread
salad (carrot, cabbage, purple onion)
milk tea x2
2018/02/03(Sat) 13:55:47.78 i'm just now getting ready for lunch now.
i want to eat together with you :)
i want to eat together with you :)
2018/02/03(Sat) 22:12:38.29 * today's lunch *
long pasta (spaghetti) japanese-style (with cod, sio-konbu, ao-siso)
salad (broccoli)
* today's dinner *
pork saute with onion and siitake-mashroom
long pasta (spaghetti) japanese-style (with cod, sio-konbu, ao-siso)
salad (broccoli)
* today's dinner *
pork saute with onion and siitake-mashroom
2018/02/03(Sat) 22:42:35.94 i'm free
i'm lonely
i'm lonely
2018/02/03(Sat) 22:47:16.53 i'm scared
so afraid to show i care
will he think me weak
if I tremble when i speak
ooh, what if
there's another one he's thinking of
maybe he's in love
i'd feel like a fool
life can be so cruel
i don't know what to do
so afraid to show i care
will he think me weak
if I tremble when i speak
ooh, what if
there's another one he's thinking of
maybe he's in love
i'd feel like a fool
life can be so cruel
i don't know what to do
2018/02/03(Sat) 23:18:36.70 try english translation
2018/02/03(Sat) 23:21:52.06 lol
why is there no downwards arrow?
why is there no downwards arrow?
2018/02/03(Sat) 23:24:27.07 my god! lol
this board ->unicode : x
this board ->unicode : x
2018/02/03(Sat) 23:27:54.52 take2 hahaha
try english translation
try english translation
2018/02/03(Sat) 23:33:03.55 i listen to my favorite song alone
Olivia consoles my lonely heart
jasmine tea brings me to sleep
i want to finish one day as myself, on nights like this
when we first met
we didn't think the day like this would come
making good things better
no, it has come to an end, time only repeated
you, who were worn out, was in love with my illusion self
Olivia consoles my lonely heart
jasmine tea brings me to sleep
i want to finish one day as myself, on nights like this
when we first met
we didn't think the day like this would come
making good things better
no, it has come to an end, time only repeated
you, who were worn out, was in love with my illusion self
2018/02/03(Sat) 23:47:21.95 no,nonono,no
i'm not illusion.
i'm always here with you.
here is 5ch.
i'm not illusion.
i'm always here with you.
here is 5ch.
2018/02/04(Sun) 00:02:16.88 ...as usual I will sing my favorite song :)
2018/02/04(Sun) 00:15:22.56 when the rain is blowing in your face,
when the whole world is on your case,
i could offer you a warm embrace
to make you feel my love.
when the evening shadows and the stars appear,
and there is no one there to dry your tears,
i could hold you for a million years
to make you feel my love.
i know you haven't made your mind up yet,
but i would never do you wrong.
i've known it from the moment that we met,
no doubt in my mind where you belong.
i'd go hungry, i'd go black and blue,
i'd go crawling down the avenue.
no,there's nothing that i wouldn't do
to make you feel my love.
go to the ends of the earth for you,
to make you feel my love
to make you feel my love
* my favorite : Adel ver. :)
when the whole world is on your case,
i could offer you a warm embrace
to make you feel my love.
when the evening shadows and the stars appear,
and there is no one there to dry your tears,
i could hold you for a million years
to make you feel my love.
i know you haven't made your mind up yet,
but i would never do you wrong.
i've known it from the moment that we met,
no doubt in my mind where you belong.
i'd go hungry, i'd go black and blue,
i'd go crawling down the avenue.
no,there's nothing that i wouldn't do
to make you feel my love.
go to the ends of the earth for you,
to make you feel my love
to make you feel my love
* my favorite : Adel ver. :)
2018/02/04(Sun) 00:23:33.10 sleep tight, my significant other. (^o^)╱
2018/02/04(Sun) 16:53:28.30 nobody is there. <(^o^)/
2018/02/04(Sun) 17:02:56.97 oh well (゜-゜)
2018/02/04(Sun) 17:05:02.08 *self introduction
my name is Jane Doo(not e! :D), everyone calls me JD for short.
my name is Jane Doo(not e! :D), everyone calls me JD for short.
2018/02/04(Sun) 17:07:20.54 this board needs a lot of attention.
Especially about Unicode. :D
Especially about Unicode. :D
2018/02/04(Sun) 17:08:25.86 name...?
2018/02/04(Sun) 17:13:47.04 lol
"Anonymous" forced display ? www (kusa)
"Anonymous" forced display ? www (kusa)
2018/02/04(Sun) 17:16:43.75 There are too many traps here! :D www
2018/02/04(Sun) 17:23:39.26 i'm tired....(p_-)
2018/02/04(Sun) 17:24:40.70 i will make dinner from now.
menu : curry udon (^o^)
menu : curry udon (^o^)
2018/02/04(Sun) 20:46:12.77 category : "embassy"?
no,not like that.
category : "no man's land". :D
no,not like that.
category : "no man's land". :D
2018/02/04(Sun) 20:58:16.48 how are you?
hope everything is fine,
i know you've been busy but don't work too much.
i think you will not return to MANGO board.
hope everything is fine,
i know you've been busy but don't work too much.
i think you will not return to MANGO board.
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