Console Wars thread [転載禁止]©2ch.net
2015/01/12(Mon) 15:24:45.61 Let's fight!
2015/01/12(Mon) 18:16:02.1313Anonymous
2015/03/21(Sat) 19:51:17.85 >>3
Yeeeesssss!I think so,too.
Yeeeesssss!I think so,too.
2015/03/23(Mon) 02:20:16.57 sega sucks. they always treat their users like guinea pigs or something.
2015/04/18(Sat) 15:28:49.97 PSP is the best handheld of all time, prove me wrong
2015/04/19(Sun) 04:58:08.57 >>10
Is Ouya still kicking? It seems like some people are still releasing games for it.
Is Ouya still kicking? It seems like some people are still releasing games for it.
2015/04/22(Wed) 18:49:42.26 >>16
Ouya is pretty dead, the only news game it's getting is typical Android games. The console itself is still less potent than a decent tablet with a controller connected to it.
Ouya is pretty dead, the only news game it's getting is typical Android games. The console itself is still less potent than a decent tablet with a controller connected to it.
2015/06/06(Sat) 04:07:24.80 Vita > 3DS fucking fight me
2015/06/13(Sat) 10:28:08.91 >>15
I agree. I have used my PSP for so many years and still enjoy using it.
I agree. I have used my PSP for so many years and still enjoy using it.
2015/06/13(Sat) 19:50:11.62 virtual boy master race
2015/06/14(Sun) 10:36:23.45 Just got a ps4. Liking it so far, but it's a little easy to spend a lot of money haha
2015/06/15(Mon) 08:05:55.53 Bleeerrrggghh *vomits*
I forgot how disgustingly bad imageboadds can look like, no wonder chinese people are a bunch of autistic communists with no imagination.
this is so bad it's slowing down my pc.
I forgot how disgustingly bad imageboadds can look like, no wonder chinese people are a bunch of autistic communists with no imagination.
this is so bad it's slowing down my pc.
2015/06/25(Thu) 21:20:56.7825Anonymous
2015/08/28(Fri) 12:55:30.05 >>23
hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door. The imageboard's two blocks down.
hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door. The imageboard's two blocks down.
2015/10/27(Tue) 12:02:01.4927Anonymous
2015/11/01(Sun) 15:26:55.97 The first was nothing
The nothing shaped something
This is all the truth
The nothing shaped something
This is all the truth
2016/09/19(Mon) 09:05:32.7129Anonymous
2016/09/19(Mon) 09:05:56.66 ebin thread
2016/09/19(Mon) 09:06:21.93 lmao
2016/09/22(Thu) 08:47:48.7732Anonymous
2016/10/12(Wed) 02:00:50.19 I own a PC and I look upon all of you with a sense of superiority scarcely to be described.
2017/02/17(Fri) 08:30:24.46 Sony Always wins, baby! You can't beat Sony!
2017/02/17(Fri) 10:06:17.93 Every distributor is bad. Valve, Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft... All bad.
If you're not a vidya pirate and you're not /vr/ tier then you deserve to get kiked.
If you're not a vidya pirate and you're not /vr/ tier then you deserve to get kiked.
2017/02/17(Fri) 19:33:01.22 how do you say ps3 has no games in moon
2017/02/18(Sat) 09:26:08.03 >omorashiol
2017/02/18(Sat) 13:56:00.91 Doorf master race
2017/02/18(Sat) 17:44:14.23 Oh please, you people and your "current gen" systems. We even look down upon the PC owner race.
Everyone knows that the Dreamcast is the TRUE system of the master race.
Everyone knows that the Dreamcast is the TRUE system of the master race.
2017/02/19(Sun) 01:15:41.22 Put Up Your Dukes! Everyone knows the PCEngine is the best! Comrade 32 knows!
2017/02/19(Sun) 07:16:34.4241Anonymous
2017/02/20(Mon) 03:59:44.67 >not playing esoteric MUDs on a comador 64
2017/02/24(Fri) 07:13:32.25 when i was child, father bought PlayStation 1, and i was in fuckin love with it..
i played medievil, soul reaver, red alert, crash, silent hill, diablo etc...
then he had to sell it because we needed money for my surgery... it was
expensive shit back in the day... after all that... we bough PC, Pentium 2 i remember..
it was not like ps.... i liked ps very much... today i am pc guy, but i like ps for gaming
better than pc...
i played medievil, soul reaver, red alert, crash, silent hill, diablo etc...
then he had to sell it because we needed money for my surgery... it was
expensive shit back in the day... after all that... we bough PC, Pentium 2 i remember..
it was not like ps.... i liked ps very much... today i am pc guy, but i like ps for gaming
better than pc...
2017/02/25(Sat) 12:39:06.72 sony is but a shade of their self at this point.
nintendo is for children and neckbeards.
microsoft is for people who casually play games.
valve is for people who like to spend money on hats and gun skins.
all of them are awful because all of them are shifty companies
nintendo is for children and neckbeards.
microsoft is for people who casually play games.
valve is for people who like to spend money on hats and gun skins.
all of them are awful because all of them are shifty companies
2017/03/04(Sat) 20:26:22.26 >>43
Why do you compare Valve to Sony, Nintedo and Microsoft?
Why do you compare Valve to Sony, Nintedo and Microsoft?
2017/03/08(Wed) 06:37:02.07 >>43
Piracy is the only viable form of gaming. Video games in current year + 2 are a shadow of what they once were.
Piracy is the only viable form of gaming. Video games in current year + 2 are a shadow of what they once were.
2018/11/18(Sun) 00:39:18.4047Anonymous
2019/03/01(Fri) 13:55:40.56 Nintendo fanboy = Ninshin, Nishi, Ninbuta.
Sony fanboy = Gokiburi (GK), Chony, Kusony.
Microsoft fanboy = Chikan.
You can now read the Geha board at 2ch /ghard/.
Sony fanboy = Gokiburi (GK), Chony, Kusony.
Microsoft fanboy = Chikan.
You can now read the Geha board at 2ch /ghard/.
2019/08/10(Sat) 15:06:54.15 >>56
WOAH big words bro. Heinous, disastrous, malicious... Do you write letters to your mom with those FINGERS and that dirty BRAIN of yours?
Irregular reminder that Kojima is a hack and Sony is SHXT
WOAH big words bro. Heinous, disastrous, malicious... Do you write letters to your mom with those FINGERS and that dirty BRAIN of yours?
Irregular reminder that Kojima is a hack and Sony is SHXT
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