GE Thread [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
2017/02/18(Sat) 03:43:18.33 It looks like God Eater 2 Rage Burst was finally cracked, anyone else gonna give it a pirate?
2017/02/18(Sat) 04:36:38.49 Honestly, the game looks kinda bad and I'm not a big fan of actual Monster Hunter or some of the more well-liked clones like Soul Sacrifice.
What makes God Eater unique?
What makes God Eater unique?
2017/02/18(Sat) 05:23:24.04 Faster paced combat, much less scavenging, and since you can switch between ranged and melee mid combat the gameplay is quite a bit different in terms of style too.
Bullet customization is genius and outfits aren't tied to stats or abilities. It's basically Monster Hunter for people who don't like Monster Hunter.
Bullet customization is genius and outfits aren't tied to stats or abilities. It's basically Monster Hunter for people who don't like Monster Hunter.
2017/02/18(Sat) 06:17:26.86 >It's basically Monster Hunter for people who don't like Monster Hunter.
Hmmm... maybe I'll check it out at some point.
Hmmm... maybe I'll check it out at some point.
2017/02/18(Sat) 09:25:16.44 If you do, don't pick the buster sword, it's the most monster hunter-esque weapon in the game just in terms of play style. I hate monster hunter too, and I much prefer the short swords or the variant scythes.
2017/02/20(Mon) 08:51:26.18 I somewhat liked what I played of GE: Burst, blowing out weird creatures with portable artillery was nice.
If it is like Burst and has a description for every fucking thing, and I free some disk space, I might just blast through the entire thing instead of leaving it to rot in the backlog.
If it is like Burst and has a description for every fucking thing, and I free some disk space, I might just blast through the entire thing instead of leaving it to rot in the backlog.
2017/02/20(Mon) 23:54:48.77 I liked going around with portable artillery and the character creation in what little I played of GE: Burst.
I remember it being neutrally weebish, with a fuckton of info -snippets- on weapons and the setting and whatnot, which I liked. Gonna at least take a look at it later this year.
I remember it being neutrally weebish, with a fuckton of info -snippets- on weapons and the setting and whatnot, which I liked. Gonna at least take a look at it later this year.
2017/02/21(Tue) 02:30:29.29 Wait, how do you reply?
2017/02/21(Tue) 09:01:27.83 >>8
Well, looking at other guest boards it seems to go like this.
Well, looking at other guest boards it seems to go like this.
2017/03/15(Wed) 16:52:34.00 great eat big blue old ban sward blue test
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