Touhou thread [無断転載禁止]©
2017/02/18(Sat) 16:18:19.31 Let's see if this is gonna be secondary general or not.
2017/02/19(Sun) 01:39:56.91 What's your favourite game in the series and why do you want to gas the kikes?
2017/02/19(Sun) 05:07:43.65 Keep your /pol/ shit on /pol/ faggot.
2017/02/19(Sun) 05:16:33.04 What's a /pol/?
2017/02/19(Sun) 05:27:44.65 /pol/ - Politically Incorrect. It's a politics board on 4chan and 8chan whose users like to go on other boards and start stupid offtopic shit on other boards because they think they're right and everyone else is wrong.
Usually they talk about jews and niggers and race issues and won't shut up about them even when it's totally unrelated.
Usually they talk about jews and niggers and race issues and won't shut up about them even when it's totally unrelated.
2017/02/19(Sun) 05:46:22.92 Someone can't take an obvious /2hu/ joke and thinks its /pol/, top wew.
2017/02/19(Sun) 06:03:15.63 Going on about kikes is /pol/, kill yourself.
2017/02/20(Mon) 05:39:52.52 Kaguya's Buddhist Diamond is a terribly annoying spellcard and I don't like it.
2017/02/20(Mon) 14:38:06.00 I like PCB because it doesn't tack on stupid shitty gimmicks.
Gas 7-san.
Gas 7-san.
2017/02/21(Tue) 12:09:54.61 Yes it does, it has that fucking barrier.
2017/02/22(Wed) 23:22:56.09 I like PCB because Yuyu's spellcards are pretty and I want to gas the kikes because we'd live in anime if not for them.
Also seconding 9-kunsandono.
Also seconding 9-kunsandono.
2017/02/23(Thu) 05:58:04.89 normalfags cant stand textboard
2017/02/24(Fri) 05:46:23.43 I kinda like SA even though i suck at it, Orin cards are somewhat bullshit in lunatic. UFO is more fun, specially as marisab, but it feels easier somehow.
Do we have any reason on not to gas a jew? I think their actions world wide are enough to warrant another holocaust.
Do we have any reason on not to gas a jew? I think their actions world wide are enough to warrant another holocaust.
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