The Cult Guru Was Finally Executed.
However, this cult seems to have started from Nintendo and ended to Nintendo.
Its story is so dramatic that everything seems to have been prepared beforehand.
<hypotheses are included)
The Cult Guru Was Finally Executed.
2018/07/12(Thu) 09:22:28.162Anonymous
2018/07/15(Sun) 21:54:25.82 Seven members of the cult responsible for the 1995 Tokyo Metro sarin gas attacks
—including cult leader Shoko Asahara and six accomplices—
were executed in Tokyo on Friday, July 6.
The question on everyone’s mind is, “Why now?”
Japan has maintained the practice of not carrying out the executions of convicted criminals
while accomplices are still at large or on trial.
The last hurdle was cleared last January with the conclusion of the trial of Katsuya Takahashi,
an accomplice of Asahara and other condemned criminals in the sarin gas subway attacks.
However, this is just an excuse for funny date puns.
—including cult leader Shoko Asahara and six accomplices—
were executed in Tokyo on Friday, July 6.
The question on everyone’s mind is, “Why now?”
Japan has maintained the practice of not carrying out the executions of convicted criminals
while accomplices are still at large or on trial.
The last hurdle was cleared last January with the conclusion of the trial of Katsuya Takahashi,
an accomplice of Asahara and other condemned criminals in the sarin gas subway attacks.
However, this is just an excuse for funny date puns.
2018/07/19(Thu) 09:00:35.67 It is quite obvious that Asahara was one of the important government 's agents.
His history, his activities were always convenient for the government and its main street organizations.
His history, his activities were always convenient for the government and its main street organizations.
2018/07/24(Tue) 11:24:28.76 He isn't dead.
2018/07/28(Sat) 14:25:35.36 Asahara’s emergence came amid a boom in new religions in the 1980s.
In the period, many young people felt alienated by the culture of consumerism
and success generated during the country’s asset-inflated bubble economy years.
In the period, many young people felt alienated by the culture of consumerism
and success generated during the country’s asset-inflated bubble economy years.
2018/07/30(Mon) 21:13:40.79 I don't like Asahara.
2018/08/05(Sun) 09:52:15.64 In Japan, Executions are mostly fake.
2018/08/11(Sat) 14:42:38.80 Asahara must be killed again.
2018/08/15(Wed) 20:13:49.78 Today, the Emperor speaks something to the people.
But, nothing impressive.
But, nothing impressive.
2018/08/22(Wed) 21:49:25.23 Ex-Aum cultist Makoto Hirata has ‘no special feelings’ about Shoko Asahara’s execution
Makoto Hirata, a former Aum Shinrikyo executive serving time in Shizuoka,
says he has “no special feelings” about the execution last month of Shoko Asahara,
the former head of the now-defunct doomsday cult that carried out
the deadly sarin attack on the Tokyo subway system in 1995.
“I was lost for words” upon hearing that 12 other former senior Aum members
had been hanged, Hirata, 53, said in a prison interview in the city.
Makoto Hirata, a former Aum Shinrikyo executive serving time in Shizuoka,
says he has “no special feelings” about the execution last month of Shoko Asahara,
the former head of the now-defunct doomsday cult that carried out
the deadly sarin attack on the Tokyo subway system in 1995.
“I was lost for words” upon hearing that 12 other former senior Aum members
had been hanged, Hirata, 53, said in a prison interview in the city.
2018/08/26(Sun) 14:40:21.49 Asahara is a typical traitor.
2018/08/31(Fri) 18:01:33.42 Justice Minister Yoko Kamikawa orders all Aum doomsday cult’s trial records to be permanently preserved.
Authorities have decided to permanently preserve trial records of criminal cases
involving the Aum Shinrikyo doomsday cult as part of efforts to prevent
a repeat of the serious crimes committed by its members, Justice Minister Yoko Kamikawa said Friday.
Quite funny.
Government's record should be preserved originally.
And destroying document should be examined case by case.
And governments originally should be reluctant to destroy documents.
But in Japan everything is reversed.
Authorities have decided to permanently preserve trial records of criminal cases
involving the Aum Shinrikyo doomsday cult as part of efforts to prevent
a repeat of the serious crimes committed by its members, Justice Minister Yoko Kamikawa said Friday.
Quite funny.
Government's record should be preserved originally.
And destroying document should be examined case by case.
And governments originally should be reluctant to destroy documents.
But in Japan everything is reversed.
2018/09/04(Tue) 15:38:42.67 Religions are conspiracies.
2018/11/18(Sun) 00:42:21.8115Anonymous
2019/11/04(Mon) 15:53:13.9916Anonymous
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