What is the worldbuilding like in Mario?
We know that there is the Mushroom Kingdom, where toads/kinoko live, and the human-looking Peach is the Princess
And the Koopa Kingdom where turtle-like people (troopas/nokonoko, lakitus/jugem, hammer bros, etc) ruled by Bowser Koopa, who looks like a dragon turtle.
There are also good koopas, some toad chancellor in Mushroom Kingdom, and other Kigdoms like Sarasaland, the 7 lands in SMB3 and Bean Bean; as we see in RPGs and other games
There are also stars that are sometimes like gods, lie in Paper Mario 1, and stars which appear innanimate, like starman power-up and the ones in 64, Sunshine and Galaxy. Some like Geno are like Angels or demigods.
So what else is in the world of Mario? From what is seen in games and from what can be speculated
Super Mario/SuMari
2019/09/28(Sat) 05:46:45.242Anonymous
2023/06/26(Mon) 09:51:10.93 Math please.
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