I have been using 4ch for about 2 years. Im japanese.
The first thing that surprised me was that everyone accepted the hierarchy with whites at the top.
Whites treat blacks like insects at the site, but blacks hardly resist it.
Also, the brown people don't challenge white supremacy. They rather talk about their longing for whites.
Only one Peruvian hated and always criticized whites. The Peruvian guy were Jewish.
The person also hated Japan. He said Japanese are racist.
/jp/ mansion
2019/11/14(Thu) 09:52:13.7121Anonymous
2019/11/14(Thu) 10:17:45.51 cna i post a new thread about 4chan on this board?
2019/11/18(Mon) 20:36:44.99 >>21
You could go ahead and make one
You could go ahead and make one
2019/11/19(Tue) 11:16:46.80 >>22
2020/02/12(Wed) 02:50:08.32 darekainaino?
2020/08/26(Wed) 13:37:30.4326Anonymous
2020/09/12(Sat) 04:02:27.57 /jp/ has been filled with shitty threads and greentexting retards for years. It sucks ass.
2021/01/04(Mon) 23:15:41.49 https://i.imgur.com/xlZMr7u.jpg
Why didn't you save yuimommi from the neighborhood octopuss bullies anon?
Why didn't you save yuimommi from the neighborhood octopuss bullies anon?
2021/01/14(Thu) 10:17:20.42 /jp/ has been bad since 2012 because of bad administration.
In 2020, it is nothing but children talking about hololive.
The unique culture was destroyed around 2014.
The board has been destroyed in the past year.
In 2020, it is nothing but children talking about hololive.
The unique culture was destroyed around 2014.
The board has been destroyed in the past year.
2021/01/15(Fri) 03:53:34.94 >>20
It is only natural.
Also, I have noticed black and Chinese posters hate Japan.
Whites defend Japan often.
It is only natural.
Also, I have noticed black and Chinese posters hate Japan.
Whites defend Japan often.
2023/02/10(Fri) 17:33:03.13 >>18
In that case, you must be my stepson?
In that case, you must be my stepson?
2023/07/26(Wed) 22:24:29.76 How do you guys browse 5ch? Do you use the web site directly, or do you use a 5ch reader app?
2023/08/08(Tue) 00:37:55.37 I use the site. The styling's no longer completely busted.
2023/08/09(Wed) 02:50:29.18 you guys are too harsh on /jp/. If you ignore the hololive and the idolposters the Touhou threads are nice! The Rozen Maiden threads are nice too. /jp/ still has creativity as seen in the drawthreads and in the sittingmu and mokotaxi threads. The lorethreads encourage nice discussion. I like/jp/!
2023/08/24(Thu) 16:49:55.37 With a few userscripts, the site becomes a bit more pleasant to use.
2023/08/25(Fri) 16:33:05.72 nu-jaypee sucks ass
2023/08/29(Tue) 00:33:32.43 >>35
you suck ass
you suck ass
2023/09/07(Thu) 09:33:53.4138Anonymous
2023/11/06(Mon) 23:05:38.70 >>20
That's because most non-whites don't bother with the site because if you try to defend non-whites, you get swarmed by a million /pol/tards.
That's because most non-whites don't bother with the site because if you try to defend non-whites, you get swarmed by a million /pol/tards.
2023/11/06(Mon) 23:07:15.86 >>29
Yea no shit. Whites like to defend Japan because you aren't anti west like China and it's also easy to get a gf here.
Yea no shit. Whites like to defend Japan because you aren't anti west like China and it's also easy to get a gf here.
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