Let's talk about 4chan.
4chan is an American bulletin board that attracts people from all over the world.
Which board is interesting?
Which thread is interesting?
How is it different from 5ch?
Is there anything that 5ch should learn from 4chan?
About 4chan
2019/11/14(Thu) 17:35:07.2230Anonymous
2020/11/02(Mon) 02:55:57.21 >>29
2021/03/29(Mon) 05:21:03.84 I've been browsing the Yellow Fevers vs. Caucasian nationalists controversy in a 4chan thread.
(although this thread has already fallen).
It was very interesting to see the deep-seated hate for white people of color.
However, I can't blame them because I, an Asian, have a feeling of discriminating against certain
foreigners. This is a really difficult problem.
The below is the post of one Swede in that thread.
It's amusing how more or less everyone here is okay with white male + non-white female.
But reverse the roles and suddenly the female in question is a "race traitor" whore and whatnot.
Do they not realize that the outcome is the same?
Or is it just incels being upset that "their" women prefer someone other than them?”
(although this thread has already fallen).
It was very interesting to see the deep-seated hate for white people of color.
However, I can't blame them because I, an Asian, have a feeling of discriminating against certain
foreigners. This is a really difficult problem.
The below is the post of one Swede in that thread.
It's amusing how more or less everyone here is okay with white male + non-white female.
But reverse the roles and suddenly the female in question is a "race traitor" whore and whatnot.
Do they not realize that the outcome is the same?
Or is it just incels being upset that "their" women prefer someone other than them?”
2021/12/13(Mon) 13:01:53.04 >>6
Because it's an anonymous forum, you can see people's true intentions behind the Tatemae there
Because it's an anonymous forum, you can see people's true intentions behind the Tatemae there
2021/12/30(Thu) 02:34:25.30 test
2022/06/09(Thu) 20:57:39.77 hey
2023/01/19(Thu) 02:55:02.03 TEST
2023/07/26(Wed) 22:33:01.00 I can't believe the Jews haven't been mentioned yet.
4chan played a huge role in exposing the Jewish criminal network in the early to mid 2010s.
Unforunately, it's a shadow of its former self.
4chan played a huge role in exposing the Jewish criminal network in the early to mid 2010s.
Unforunately, it's a shadow of its former self.
2023/08/06(Sun) 06:08:11.50 Is 4chan fucking down?
2023/08/06(Sun) 11:35:45.32 death to jannies
2023/08/07(Mon) 15:48:30.11 >>30
/jp/ is more than just hololive you know
/jp/ is more than just hololive you know
2023/08/10(Thu) 15:36:02.34 hello
2023/08/11(Fri) 01:03:03.7442Anonymous
2023/08/16(Wed) 05:07:42.03 nth for denouncing יהוה
2023/08/19(Sat) 19:06:38.24 42th? Lol
2023/08/24(Thu) 16:53:16.9045Anonymous
2023/08/25(Fri) 11:57:39.13 4chan is worse than futaba DESU
2023/08/25(Fri) 23:10:58.98 rope
2023/09/07(Thu) 09:36:15.2648Anonymous
2023/09/07(Thu) 16:44:12.24 5ch on top 4cucks would never understand
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