Please read the following story that happened to me:
I was watching Dragon Ball Z on a yaoi porn page (which I will mention for your delight later) called It was the 122th time I masturbated when in the episode they stopped having sex. I already shit myself because it was a site with excellent gay content, but I inserted my finger in my anus to satisfy myself because the video no longer worked.
What happened in the chapter was fappable; Not only did it have nothing to do with the previous chapter "THE ASSHOLE RAPIST OF GOKU" but it was incredibly homosexual and hot in content: Goku was having sex with Vegeta but in a more violent, bloody way and not the goku's way.
Goku did not stop raping him for a single moment and semen could be seen flying through the air. Then Goku sent him to rape him with a tube, Vegeta had a scared look as if he was saying "please stop raping me for whatever you want the most", but Goku looked angry (in a diabolical way), he went to rape him and Vegeta did not avoid it , he was giving him a terrible fucking.
Goku backs off and takes Vegeta by the ass (which was a bit common to throw them through the air) but what happened next was shocking: Goku manages to rip his cock out of him in a way too realistic for what was the usual series. Vegeta is bleeding on the floor of the planet Bikini Bottom (where he fought with squidward) and a terrified Vegeta pleads Goku to stop raping him, but it was useless; Goku seemed brainwashed by the shitty dubstep he listens to and then he throws the cock on the ground along with Vegeta, and starts screaming like a pig.
2021/01/04(Mon) 09:42:22.24レスを投稿する
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