>Japanese people think〜in Japan.
*Japanese mistakenly believe that Japan is the first candidate for a Western business to set up its branch in the course of its expansion to Asia.
>Indeed, the expectation was 〜from what it was.
You know better than to show your sense of superiority to other Asian countries by unconsciously excluding Japan from Asia!!
If you want to be a liberalist, try to act like one!!
*This assumtion is no longer valid seeing how dramatically other Asian countries have developed over the last few decades.
>Nowadays a lot of 〜in Asia.
*Nowadays a lot of international businesses choose Singapore as their bridgehead in Asia.
>Singapore is 〜welcome foreign capital.
"one of the nations which" sounds too unnatural.
*Singapore is one of those countries that welcome foreign capital.
>Being distant from 〜to be a secured country.
"conflicting spots"??
Singapore IS a conflicting spot since tons of companies are competing each other there.
If you're tring to say "紛争地帯", it's "area of conflict".
Wrong usage of "secured". It's "secure" in this case.
*It is safe and distant from any conflict raging on many parts of the world.
>Some Westerners choose 〜in other Asian countries.
Stop using a participial construction because you don't know how to write in any other way.
It only makes your sentences more childish than they already are!!
*Some Western businesses in Asia are based in Korea, taking advantage of Incheon International Airport
*situated in the suburbs of Seoul, which provides rapid and comfortable access to a number of other Asian airports.
>Continental China is 〜attracts businessmen and investors.
I don't see any connection between "Continental China" and the following sentence.
It doesn't make any sense at all. I might as well just leave it out!
*China, despite its controversial economic policies, attracts businessmen and investors from all over the world tring to
*tap into its gigantic market - now backed by one-fifth of the world population.
>It’s understandable that 〜whither Japan will go.
"how Japan is now" is not English.
Also, why do Japanese have to think "how Japan is now" anyway?
If you don't tell us, that means you are not even tring to make any point in this post, which makes it totally worthless.
*Maybe the fact that Japan is on the decline now is a bitter pill to swallow for Japanese,
*but like it or not, they'll eventually have to face it.
PID: 18663
[0.093927 sec.]
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