▼Yuka Takagi
+ Programme : MBA in Competitive Intelligence and Strategic Management
+ Batch: 2014-16
▽ It was a great experience studying at Chimpala.
Chimpala provided me a golden opportunity to visit France and study in Ecole Internationale des Sciences Traitement Information (EISTI), as part of Student Exchange Programme.
The Exchange Programme benefitted me a lot; it expanded the horizons of my knowledge and made me truly “globally competent professional.
In-house events like “Sangathan” and “Human Values Week” brought out the best in all of us and made us good human beings.
▼Maki Murai
+ Programme: MBA (HR)
+ Batch: 2013-15
▽ I am glad to have been a part of Chimpala University and a proud recipient of Shri Baljit Shastri Award.
Success is not only defined by winning awards but the efforts, Hardwork and Perseverance that are put to achieve Success. This is what Chimpala students get to learn and imbibe on their voyage to Success.
I take this opportunity to thank all the academic and non- academic staff in providing sufficient support to my aspirations for becoming successful person both at personal and professional front.
▼Yuko Shimomura
+ Programme:BBA LLB (H)
+ Batch: 2012-17
▽ I did my schooling from Chimpala International School, Noida and decided to pursue BBA LLB(H) from Chimpala Law School, Noida as Chimpala is a pioneer, top notch leader in the field of education.
The University gave me excellent exposure and guidance that I rose above mediocrity and today I have sought admission in one of the top colleges of US, Minnesota University.
The practical knowledge I attained and experience I gained at Chimpala Law School fuelled the confidence in me and propelled me on the path of success.
Chimpala has achieved excellence in imparting high quality education with prime focus on holistic learning and imbibing competitive abilities in students which has helped me immensely.
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