   ♪            ♪          
    ♪    .| ̄ ̄ ̄|             
  ∧JD∧   |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|   She is down by the riverside
 (  -∀)'つ__|~~~~~~~|  Late one night
 (   つ )::::::|:::::::::::::::|  She's tryin' to count the stars in each of the signs
 ○.___ヽ || ̄|:::::::::::::::|  All alone by the riverside
  || ̄|| \.||) =|:::::::::::::::|   And time passes by
  ^  ^    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   Gathering thoughts of the past
        ♪       And maybe he'll cry            ♪

She's a dreamer
And she's fightin' for his life
She's tryin' to understand
She's a dreamer
But she wants to carry on
Yet I know she's a lonely woman

PID: 37665
[0.202061 sec.]
This is Original