    ∧JD∧ ♪           must it take a life for hateful eyess ♪
    (#・∀・)              to glisten once again
  γU〜''ヽヽジャンジャカジャカジャカ    the 10 years like Gelignite
   !  C≡≡O=亜            have blown us all to hell
   `(_)~丿               what savior rests while on his cross we die
       ∪  ♪            forgotten freedom burns
                       has the Troll led his lambs astray
                       to the anger and disturbance
 ♪                     must it take a life for hateful eyes     ♪
                        to glisten once again           
                        cause we find ourselves in the same old mess 
                        singin' drunken lullabies


テンポはacoustic versionのでw
PID: 90342
[0.206433 sec.]
This is Original