237 [Φ|(|´|Д|`|)|Φ] BBxed!! †Mango Mangüé ⭐ (ワッチョイ)2021/07/10(土) 20:07:54.360509ID:+XckdIe30
脳はCovidにとって格好の隠れ場所だ、 と博士は言う。
https://omniaeducation.com/news/covid-19-may-hide-in-brains-cause-relapses/1797976/ (Read full articleへ)
In the study, mice that were infected with the virus through their nasal passages developed severe illnesses due to brain infections,
even after the virus left their lungs. In humans, this could explain why patients who appear to be over COVID-19 sometimes relapse and die.
The brain is one of the regions where virus likes to hide,
The research team found that the virus was located in the brains of mice at a level that was 1,000 times higher than in any other part of the body.
Viral loads in the lungs began to drop after three days but remained high in the brain on the fifth and sixth days after infection, which is when the disease became more severe.
PID: 52195
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