TABUSE SYSTEM is the biggest taboo in the world…
What is the TABUSE SYSTEM ? (TABUSE SYSTEM is famous in Japan.)
・All of wars are fake.
・All of religions are cabal tool.
・If I occupy the opponent ideas (or organizations), I can completely control all its matter.Therefore I should occupy all ideas and organizations with farce friction strategically.
・Only owning all central banks in the world and the right of controlling the gold price come to the world ruler.
3.11 and Fukushima were terrorism attacks by U.S.A , Israel , Korean, Zainichi(Korean in Japan),Tabuse Korean, Vatican(Not only ‘Peter Hans Kolvenbach’, it’s Vatican attack. ) and so on.
Our Japanese have evidence, and famous anti-3.11 terrorism journalist ( ‘Benjamin Fulford’ and ‘Richard Koshimizu’ and ‘Izumi’) are terrorist puppets. Zionist likes to occupy their opponent
idea strategically.
・All of wars are fake.
Russia and Saudi Arabia ink nuclear energy deal, exchange invites
Why does Russia Government have the strong-tie with former Japanese prime minister Hatoyama(Gnosticism Illuminati) as the most important Japanese? Hatoyama is famous that he links ‘Al-Qaeda’.
#3.11. Terrorism # Tabuse System # Fake Wars # [無断転載禁止]©
2016/06/29(Wed) 09:53:27.39レスを投稿する
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