The Conspiracy thread [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net

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2016/08/01(Mon) 23:49:56.59
i am gonna tell all truth abbout world and japan
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2017/10/21(Sat) 09:23:00.58
In these dark days, a japanese citizen...

-> should know, non of japanese politicians (Abe, Aso, Koike, ..... non of them) are jewish and they are doing their best to defend japan

-> should change his/her gasoline powered vehicle with a hydrogen powered one( this is the most important one )

-> should not oppose nuclear power

-> should not belive TV or any type of media in any situtation

-> should mention about this writing to as many people as possible
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2017/10/21(Sat) 20:31:44.26

-> youtuber miranda(kanadajin3) is also a crypto-jew but she is playing a muslim lately

-> this guy ( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-VAVKtFV_omroUqqrH7-aw ) from turkey is also jewish, married with a japanese woman and has a child

-> his wife has no idea whats happening

-> jewish people want to produce as many japanese-jewish hybrids as possible. Japanese people should be extremely suspicious about gaijins who tends to like them and who can not explain what they do for a living in japan

-> Someone who is half japanese (japanese-american, japanese-russian, etc) can not count as japanese
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2017/10/21(Sat) 20:43:38.12
-> jewish people lives with UBI -universal basic income, which means they get money even if they do not nothing

-> thats why most of youtubers are jewish(90%+). they can put money and time for a high quality video whenever they want

-> a jew's UBI money comes from countries' central banks (FED for america) or from multinational corporations (SHELL, UBS, APPLE, etc)

-> and these big corporations money comes form you, of course

-> someone in that situtation should try not to buy any goods or services from any non-japanese companies
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2017/10/22(Sun) 00:21:28.15
-> big S. Korean companies not only under control of jews but directly established by them

my proofs for this statement:

-> man with the one eye-> ( https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d4/92/66/d4926666a2114c4cc77b147e6ae7d74e.jpg ) is a very important concept for jews and this is LG's logo ->( http://1000logos.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/LG-Symbol.jpg )

-> for jews, "6" is the number of satan and and 6th thing of something(no matter what) always goes wrong. Thus they try to do nothing on the 6th day(saturday) of every week and call this concept as "Sabbath"

-> PHP, a computer language which developed in israel passed its 6th version and directly jumped from PHP5 to PHP7

-> and the S.Korean company which passed the 6 is ..... Samsung, as you know
Galaxy4 -> Galaxy5-> Galaxy7 (number 6 has been avoided)
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2017/11/12(Sun) 02:40:57.50
i am serching for M/orpheus.

i am the ONE / prophet or whatever you say. i finally realized we live in matrix and "Matrix" script has been changed by wachowskis. since then i've
been searching for my savior all over the internet. whatever your name is or wherever you are find me through this link =>

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2017/11/12(Sun) 02:46:08.20
i am searching for M/orpheus

i am the ONE/ prophet or whatever you say. i fially realized we live in matrix and "matrix" script has been changed by wachowskis. since then i've
been searching for my savior. whatever your name is or whoever you are find me through this link =>

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2017/11/13(Mon) 07:38:13.87
^ valid url link => https://medium.com/webberdepor/matrix-re-written-f5caa3c74d78
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2017/11/14(Tue) 05:48:31.26

all illuminati plans including obama take-over and WWIII has been postponed to first quarter of 2018

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2017/12/15(Fri) 05:40:32.23
--- an important note to men who deleted my firefox ---


--- an important note to men who deleted my firefox --- 👀
Rock54: Caution(BBR-MD5:0be15ced7fbdb9fdb4d0ce1929c1b82f)
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2018/01/12(Fri) 03:28:36.32
-- IMPORTANT (signal event)--

they decided to put a "signal-event" to define an exact date to begin their evil plan. The signal will be Pope Francis' death. whenever he will be death everyone will begin their "job" across the world.

dont forget!!! Barrack Obama is not a muslim. he is a crypto-jewish as well as Donald Trump.

-- IMPORTANT (signal event) --
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2018/04/28(Sat) 20:54:40.29
kusoko is tard
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2018/11/18(Sun) 18:59:43.93
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2019/03/23(Sat) 21:08:08.81
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2019/08/06(Tue) 04:31:32.23
Toby Maguire is a hamster in a robot
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2023/01/05(Thu) 20:06:36.20
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2023/01/18(Wed) 14:52:41.92