Some time ago during my youngster years I didnft wanna go to school and so I submerged the thermometer in my tea. Unfortunately the tea had over 9000 degrees and the thermometer broke.
I didnft wanna get scolded so I threw it away behind the wardrobe (Itfs probably still there xD). Then my grandma entered the room and asked me if I had temperature.
I said that no I donft, and that I have already put the thermometer away, grendma. And so my grandma sat down and watched me as I eat my breakfast.
At some instance she asked me gAnd why arenft you drinking tea? Is it bad?h I replied that it is indeed somewhat weird.
And so grandmas came up to me, took the cup, tasted the tea, and thought that it tastes normal and said she will drink it herself.
And unfortunately so she did ;_; Shortly after that I had no grandma. She got bleeding in her digestive system and she stopped cycling.
The doctors said that some exceptionally large ulcer had busted. Up to today only I know the truth and I havenft told anyone about it.
The Conspiracy thread [–³’f“]Ú‹ÖŽ~]©
2016/08/08(Mon) 11:52:06.56ƒŒƒX‚ð“Še‚·‚é
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