Burger here,
What are politics like in Japan. I know vaguely about the conflicts over demilitarization and what not, but not more than what the US (((media))) says. Can you fill us in?
politics in nipponland [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
2017/02/21(Tue) 02:46:14.735Anonymous
2017/02/22(Wed) 04:32:17.346Anonymous
2017/02/22(Wed) 16:13:01.62 >>4
>implying kikes didn't do 9/11
>implying kikes didn't do 9/11
2017/02/25(Sat) 02:34:15.68 So...
I hear the Asian region is in escalating unrest because of both Koreas.
I hear the Asian region is in escalating unrest because of both Koreas.
2017/02/25(Sat) 14:44:04.97 >implying GWB wasn't a tool of the kikes
What are you even doing
What are you even doing
2017/03/01(Wed) 05:55:41.20 Oh boy, /pol/tards are going to fill this textboard with their retarded memes.
2017/03/01(Wed) 08:42:00.10 defeat /pol/ in every theatre
2017/03/26(Sun) 04:47:00.76 This is the new /pol/. Praise kek and praise gookchan.
2017/04/15(Sat) 16:58:01.75 Let's also discuss Japan's bad neighbour, "Korea"!
Did you know? The talmud is a best-seller in korea.
Koreans see that jews have too much power, and so they seek to emulate them.
They read it because they think the secrets to jewish success come from it.
In reality the secrets to being a jewish asshole are in it.
It is a series of books on how to outsmart or cheat god.
Jewish academic and business success comes largely after 18th century.
So clearly the talmud is either not part of their success- or only a part of it.
My belief is the talmud is a precursor - it gave jews the culture.
But they were still mostly impoverished, living similar to the gypsies- the catalyst was education.
By the way, you will often see "Corea" as a joke (or actual buttmad Korean). Some Koreans got buttmad that Japan is before Korea in the dictionary (J before K). So they started wanting people to use a C instead.
Did you know? The talmud is a best-seller in korea.
Koreans see that jews have too much power, and so they seek to emulate them.
They read it because they think the secrets to jewish success come from it.
In reality the secrets to being a jewish asshole are in it.
It is a series of books on how to outsmart or cheat god.
Jewish academic and business success comes largely after 18th century.
So clearly the talmud is either not part of their success- or only a part of it.
My belief is the talmud is a precursor - it gave jews the culture.
But they were still mostly impoverished, living similar to the gypsies- the catalyst was education.
By the way, you will often see "Corea" as a joke (or actual buttmad Korean). Some Koreans got buttmad that Japan is before Korea in the dictionary (J before K). So they started wanting people to use a C instead.
2017/06/21(Wed) 01:47:26.88 Japstan
2018/11/18(Sun) 19:01:42.2815Anonymous
2019/05/24(Fri) 17:59:00.83 American Jap gangbang communist chink yellow skin monkey, Hueawai garbage
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