☆Ignorant slaves believe that they are happy.☆ーーーーーーーーーー☆
The worst part of Filipinos is to blame others, without making any effort, and end their
lives with slave labor??
You don't know the real richness of other countries. Without knowing that, they blindly
believe that they are "happy".
Because there are ignorant and iamed they'll never change about slavery labor.
It is important to change your position richly, not slavery. Well, I haven't understood
it, but I've been at Vatican for ten years and i've studied whether the Philippines alone won't make any efforts among the 1.3 billion Catholics countries.
The indigenous faith is in the way ??
North Koreans complain unconcernedly. But what is a Philippine that can not even be
aware of dissatisfaction?
【2020年2月15日 記す】
カツドンチャンネル Part485
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