2ちゃんねる サーバ負荷監視所
2ch 鯖監視係。
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
04/06/10 00:48ID:VbUtnALe80動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる
04/08/28 17:12ID:3/XeX5XT もう書き込めるんじゃないか?
04/08/28 17:17ID:Nsx1VEDx
04/09/10 23:40:48ID:C1v/lOxl 重いなぁ・・・
2004/09/10 22:10:00 LA=10:10PM up 13 days, 5:08, 0 users, load averages: 14.09, 9.03, 7.24
2004/09/10 22:20:00 LA=10:20PM up 13 days, 5:18, 0 users, load averages: 7.10, 7.87, 7.32
2004/09/10 22:30:01 LA=10:30PM up 13 days, 5:28, 0 users, load averages: 5.60, 7.44, 7.52
2004/09/10 22:40:02 LA=10:40PM up 13 days, 5:38, 0 users, load averages: 11.78, 11.03, 9.57
2004/09/10 22:50:01 LA=10:50PM up 13 days, 5:48, 0 users, load averages: 8.14, 9.73, 9.65
2004/09/10 23:00:00 LA=11:00PM up 13 days, 5:58, 0 users, load averages: 13.86, 12.28, 10.77
2004/09/10 23:30:09 LA=11:30PM up 13 days, 6:28, 0 users, load averages: 82.23, 85.83, 68.60
2004/09/10 22:10:00 LA=10:10PM up 13 days, 5:08, 0 users, load averages: 14.09, 9.03, 7.24
2004/09/10 22:20:00 LA=10:20PM up 13 days, 5:18, 0 users, load averages: 7.10, 7.87, 7.32
2004/09/10 22:30:01 LA=10:30PM up 13 days, 5:28, 0 users, load averages: 5.60, 7.44, 7.52
2004/09/10 22:40:02 LA=10:40PM up 13 days, 5:38, 0 users, load averages: 11.78, 11.03, 9.57
2004/09/10 22:50:01 LA=10:50PM up 13 days, 5:48, 0 users, load averages: 8.14, 9.73, 9.65
2004/09/10 23:00:00 LA=11:00PM up 13 days, 5:58, 0 users, load averages: 13.86, 12.28, 10.77
2004/09/10 23:30:09 LA=11:30PM up 13 days, 6:28, 0 users, load averages: 82.23, 85.83, 68.60
04/09/10 23:48:34ID:zkH3v7AJ 落ちては無いのか
04/09/10 23:50:16ID:oJk2vZO0
04/09/10 23:57:12ID:VkAqEqeB
04/09/11 00:01:36ID:W75L5Cah
04/09/11 00:14:43ID:zyi1p4os
04/09/11 00:19:32ID:W75L5Cah
04/09/11 00:34:43ID:2LQmZP/u まだ、重いねぇ・・・
2004/09/10 22:40:02 LA=10:40PM up 13 days, 5:38, 0 users, load averages: 11.78, 11.03, 9.57
2004/09/10 22:50:01 LA=10:50PM up 13 days, 5:48, 0 users, load averages: 8.14, 9.73, 9.65
2004/09/10 23:00:00 LA=11:00PM up 13 days, 5:58, 0 users, load averages: 13.86, 12.28, 10.77
2004/09/10 23:30:09 LA=11:30PM up 13 days, 6:28, 0 users, load averages: 82.23, 85.83, 68.60
2004/09/10 23:40:13 LA=11:40PM up 13 days, 6:38, 0 users, load averages: 90.72, 89.81, 79.70
2004/09/11 00:00:11 LA=12:00AM up 13 days, 6:58, 0 users, load averages: 96.19, 93.32, 88.95
2004/09/10 22:40:02 LA=10:40PM up 13 days, 5:38, 0 users, load averages: 11.78, 11.03, 9.57
2004/09/10 22:50:01 LA=10:50PM up 13 days, 5:48, 0 users, load averages: 8.14, 9.73, 9.65
2004/09/10 23:00:00 LA=11:00PM up 13 days, 5:58, 0 users, load averages: 13.86, 12.28, 10.77
2004/09/10 23:30:09 LA=11:30PM up 13 days, 6:28, 0 users, load averages: 82.23, 85.83, 68.60
2004/09/10 23:40:13 LA=11:40PM up 13 days, 6:38, 0 users, load averages: 90.72, 89.81, 79.70
2004/09/11 00:00:11 LA=12:00AM up 13 days, 6:58, 0 users, load averages: 96.19, 93.32, 88.95
04/09/11 00:57:37ID:vl0Iqems 重い
04/09/11 01:02:10ID:Ug2aN/jE ま〜たF5か
04/09/11 02:06:18ID:MOcysFrw 090491080930
04/09/14 00:11:50ID:h9bIMimP またもちょっと重たい気分?
04/09/14 00:12:53ID:dqtx/yiJ >>94
04/09/14 00:14:55ID:xGCnEYa+
04/09/14 00:17:07ID:qbVDwbeB
04/09/14 00:18:32ID:nIYbgZqH
04/09/14 00:20:29ID:sf3aTpYx
04/09/14 00:21:40ID:WgHJRQCj04/09/14 00:24:09ID:sf3aTpYx
04/09/14 00:31:49ID:cZNA3xdF
04/09/14 00:50:39ID:rLPbyG60
04/09/14 00:58:50ID:h9bIMimP >>100
04/09/14 02:50:53ID:egT7Nq0F dj
04/09/14 02:57:25ID:cjcqwqjC
16 名前: FOX ★ 投稿日: 04/09/14 02:55:02 ID:???
ちと 忙しいので
まず bbs.cgi@ex5 とめます
ちと 忙しいので
まず bbs.cgi@ex5 とめます
04/09/14 02:59:47ID:NC0ekXI4 重い・・・
04/09/14 03:03:09ID:nGVJPrnS 書き込めないよー
04/09/14 03:04:04ID:cdQgCwB+ >>100
04/09/14 03:04:25ID:egT7Nq0F 書きこめないね
04/09/14 03:04:40ID:A9aPbZKy
04/09/14 03:06:15ID:YnilSGmy 16 名前:FOX ★ [] 投稿日:04/09/14(火) 02:55:02 ID:???
ちと 忙しいので
まず bbs.cgi@ex5 とめます
17 名前:FOX ★ [] 投稿日:04/09/14(火) 02:59:23 ID:???
read.cgi@ex5 とめます
18 名前:FOX ★ [] 投稿日:04/09/14(火) 03:01:32 ID:???
まだ LA=100 くらいあるです
20min くらいかかるかな。。。
ちと 忙しいので
まず bbs.cgi@ex5 とめます
17 名前:FOX ★ [] 投稿日:04/09/14(火) 02:59:23 ID:???
read.cgi@ex5 とめます
18 名前:FOX ★ [] 投稿日:04/09/14(火) 03:01:32 ID:???
まだ LA=100 くらいあるです
20min くらいかかるかな。。。
04/09/14 03:07:30ID:A9aPbZKy またネチズンか
04/09/14 03:26:07ID:7gH+3+qe
115ZN119077.ppp.dion.ne.jp ◆paikO7SYn.
04/09/14 03:27:36ID:Do7cXSf1 一般ブラウザでもLive2chでもex5自体にアクセス不能。
>ping ex5.2ch.net
Pinging ex5.2ch.net [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=165ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=143ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=143ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=159ms TTL=48
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 143ms, Maximum = 165ms, Average = 152ms
>ping qb5.2ch.net
Pinging qb5.2ch.net [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=134ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=132ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=133ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=132ms TTL=48
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 132ms, Maximum = 134ms, Average = 132ms
>ping ex5.2ch.net
Pinging ex5.2ch.net [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=165ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=143ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=143ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=159ms TTL=48
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 143ms, Maximum = 165ms, Average = 152ms
>ping qb5.2ch.net
Pinging qb5.2ch.net [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=134ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=132ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=133ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=132ms TTL=48
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 132ms, Maximum = 134ms, Average = 132ms
04/09/14 03:41:32ID:/c11MS6h
04/09/15 22:55:20ID:p84h5jyg 毎日この時間重い
04/09/15 23:10:24ID:kxidO5Vz119動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる
04/09/17 17:19:23ID:hLF4Sn75 なんで鯖設定いじるんだよ
04/09/17 17:20:32ID:b60OdMMD >>119
04/09/17 18:26:57ID:S9Lar/PF 現在のdat数:
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (46/46)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (109/109)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (612/612)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (396/396)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (220/220)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (84/84)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (133/133)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (463/463)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (379/376)
NHK http://ex5.2ch.net/nhk/ (133/133)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (211/211)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (130/130)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (32/32)
2ちゃんねる dat数取得ツール
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (46/46)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (109/109)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (612/612)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (396/396)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (220/220)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (84/84)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (133/133)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (463/463)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (379/376)
NHK http://ex5.2ch.net/nhk/ (133/133)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (211/211)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (130/130)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (32/32)
2ちゃんねる dat数取得ツール
04/09/17 18:58:13ID:QGoF75LQ やっぱり何かおかしいと思ったらこういう事だったのか!
04/09/17 19:08:50ID:rL4n2xjB
04/09/17 19:15:10ID:y41YFRZ8 >>123
04/09/17 21:29:47ID:rL4n2xjB
04/09/17 22:11:23ID:c4WvmWlM よりによってハングルとマスコミはやばいな。
04/09/17 22:19:57ID:5YsH31id
04/09/17 22:24:34ID:I5S57y+/
04/09/17 22:57:40ID:rL4n2xjB
04/09/17 23:03:57ID:c4WvmWlM
04/09/17 23:09:05ID:5YsH31id
04/09/17 23:34:20ID:jCoikOaS 実況イクナイという認識はかなり広まっていて注意する人もいる。
04/09/18 00:22:14ID:3RGG2HmC
04/09/18 00:25:05ID:aU2xonIn
04/09/18 01:17:51ID:O1tt2mQF
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (42/42)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (86/86)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (629/631)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (391/391)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (204/204)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (79/79)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (128/128)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (457/457)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (364/361)
NHK http://ex5.2ch.net/nhk/ (112/112)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (213/213)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (120/120)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (32/32)
2ちゃんねる dat数取得ツール
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (42/42)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (86/86)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (629/631)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (391/391)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (204/204)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (79/79)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (128/128)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (457/457)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (364/361)
NHK http://ex5.2ch.net/nhk/ (112/112)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (213/213)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (120/120)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (32/32)
2ちゃんねる dat数取得ツール
04/09/18 03:14:05ID:3RGG2HmC
04/09/18 04:31:10ID:O7cTBiNC
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (40/40)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (75/75)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (605/607)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (392/392)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (190/190)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (80/80)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (126/126)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (449/449)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (365/362)
NHK http://ex5.2ch.net/nhk/ (110/110)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (206/206)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (112/112)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (32/31)
2ちゃんねる dat数取得ツール
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (40/40)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (75/75)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (605/607)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (392/392)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (190/190)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (80/80)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (126/126)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (449/449)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (365/362)
NHK http://ex5.2ch.net/nhk/ (110/110)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (206/206)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (112/112)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (32/31)
2ちゃんねる dat数取得ツール
04/09/18 05:18:51ID:sB4vwK/h
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (40/40)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (76/76)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (599/601)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (390/390)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (190/190)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (79/79)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (126/126)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (450/450)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (365/362)
NHK http://ex5.2ch.net/nhk/ (110/110)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (206/206)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (112/112)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (31/31)
2ちゃんねる dat数取得ツール
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (40/40)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (76/76)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (599/601)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (390/390)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (190/190)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (79/79)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (126/126)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (450/450)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (365/362)
NHK http://ex5.2ch.net/nhk/ (110/110)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (206/206)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (112/112)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (31/31)
2ちゃんねる dat数取得ツール
04/09/18 07:35:06ID:tJMNNXky
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (39/39)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (71/71)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (603/605)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (394/394)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (193/193)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (79/79)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (127/127)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (451/451)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (366/363)
NHK http://ex5.2ch.net/nhk/ (110/110)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (206/206)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (109/109)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (31/31)
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (39/39)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (71/71)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (603/605)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (394/394)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (193/193)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (79/79)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (127/127)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (451/451)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (366/363)
NHK http://ex5.2ch.net/nhk/ (110/110)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (206/206)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (109/109)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (31/31)
04/09/18 11:43:58ID:9KB2ab+E
04/09/18 11:46:43ID:hjGambTF
04/09/18 22:40:40ID:LzJiAhq+
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (35/35)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (62/62)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (612/614)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (366/366)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (185/185)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (78/78)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (124/124)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (451/451)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (352/349)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (199/199)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (104/104)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (30/30)
2ちゃんねる dat数取得ツール
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (35/35)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (62/62)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (612/614)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (366/366)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (185/185)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (78/78)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (124/124)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (451/451)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (352/349)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (199/199)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (104/104)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (30/30)
2ちゃんねる dat数取得ツール
04/09/19 03:45:20ID:G4VXZrGA
04/09/19 03:47:41ID:G4VXZrGA
04/09/19 06:11:26ID:ktFBsN9r
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (37/37)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (57/57)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (604/604)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (359/359)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (179/179)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (75/75)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (125/125)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (445/445)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (344/341)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (197/197)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (102/102)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (31/31)
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (37/37)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (57/57)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (604/604)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (359/359)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (179/179)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (75/75)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (125/125)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (445/445)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (344/341)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (197/197)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (102/102)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (31/31)
04/09/19 23:28:09ID:ajXUQN/q
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (39/39)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (56/56)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (628/606)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (351/351)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (176/176)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (76/76)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (106/106)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (444/444)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (338/335)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (199/199)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (100/100)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (31/31)
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (39/39)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (56/56)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (628/606)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (351/351)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (176/176)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (76/76)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (106/106)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (444/444)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (338/335)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (199/199)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (100/100)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (31/31)
04/09/20 00:01:34ID:bZ4KcALw
04/09/20 04:39:24ID:DzO+Q5Rk
04/09/20 05:25:06ID:HsZIpavA
04/09/20 23:10:02ID:RbZKk02S omoiyo-
04/09/20 23:22:19ID:2W6WWlFI
04/09/20 23:38:16ID:muEhHunl
04/09/21 00:14:00ID:MqzbdeMz マス板重い
04/09/21 00:26:28ID:IA9J4FZ0
04/09/21 03:29:32ID:Q1jAR6C3
└ monazilla.org[w http://www.monazilla.org/
└ http://chiba.cool.ne.jp/earnestness/pop.txt
└ Lhasa http://www.forest.impress.co.jp/library/lhasa.html
●Windows ┬ ギコナビ http://gikonavi.sourceforge.jp/top.html
├ かちゅ〜しゃ+kage http://kage.monazilla.org/
├ ホットゾヌ2 http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA036533/
├ A Bone http://abone.pos.to/
├ Live2ch http://aaesp.tripod.co.jp/live2ch.html
├ OpenJane OpenJaneDoe http://sakots.pekori.jp/OpenJane/
└ 2chturbo(壷) http://tubo.80.kg/(マァブ(^_^;)もお勧め)
└ monazilla.org[w http://www.monazilla.org/
└ http://chiba.cool.ne.jp/earnestness/pop.txt
└ Lhasa http://www.forest.impress.co.jp/library/lhasa.html
●Windows ┬ ギコナビ http://gikonavi.sourceforge.jp/top.html
├ かちゅ〜しゃ+kage http://kage.monazilla.org/
├ ホットゾヌ2 http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA036533/
├ A Bone http://abone.pos.to/
├ Live2ch http://aaesp.tripod.co.jp/live2ch.html
├ OpenJane OpenJaneDoe http://sakots.pekori.jp/OpenJane/
└ 2chturbo(壷) http://tubo.80.kg/(マァブ(^_^;)もお勧め)
04/09/21 04:55:28ID:WALisOGw
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (44/44)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (51/51)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (623/604)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (343/343)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (168/168)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (77/77)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (106/106)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (434/435)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (338/335)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (197/197)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (93/93)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (30/30)
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (44/44)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (51/51)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (623/604)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (343/343)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (168/168)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (77/77)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (106/106)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (434/435)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (338/335)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (197/197)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (93/93)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (30/30)
04/09/21 13:34:46ID:yLNQK8lc
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (42/42)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (53/53)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (610/610)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (347/347)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (166/166)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (77/77)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (105/105)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (428/429)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (332/329)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (197/197)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (92/92)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (30/30)
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (42/42)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (53/53)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (610/610)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (347/347)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (166/166)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (77/77)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (105/105)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (428/429)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (332/329)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (197/197)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (92/92)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (30/30)
04/09/22 02:21:39ID:XhIfwtY/
552 名前:動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる[sage] 投稿日:04/09/21(火) 20:24:31 ID:WFu9SZIG
553 名前:FOX ★[sage] 投稿日:04/09/21(火) 20:25:58 ID:???
ex から抜け出すことで解決してください
553 名前:FOX ★[sage] 投稿日:04/09/21(火) 20:25:58 ID:???
ex から抜け出すことで解決してください
04/09/22 03:40:46ID:RLjSOeGG
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (41/41)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (57/57)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (604/604)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (336/336)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (162/164)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (77/77)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (103/103)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (432/432)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (329/326)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (200/200)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (98/98)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (28/28)
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (41/41)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (57/57)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (604/604)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (336/336)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (162/164)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (77/77)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (103/103)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (432/432)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (329/326)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (200/200)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (98/98)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (28/28)
04/09/22 20:04:03ID:62RHwmBX
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (41/41)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (49/49)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (580/580)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (336/336)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (166/168)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (75/75)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (101/101)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (432/432)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (328/325)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (200/200)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (100/100)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (28/28)
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (41/41)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (49/49)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (580/580)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (336/336)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (166/168)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (75/75)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (101/101)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (432/432)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (328/325)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (200/200)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (100/100)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (28/28)
04/09/23 02:13:00ID:/WwrAgb0
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (38/38)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (45/45)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (577/578)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (343/343)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (170/172)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (81/81)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (100/100)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (434/434)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (332/329)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (198/198)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (100/100)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (29/29)
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (38/38)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (45/45)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (577/578)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (343/343)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (170/172)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (81/81)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (100/100)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (434/434)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (332/329)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (198/198)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (100/100)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (29/29)
04/09/23 05:47:24ID:1eM/qRH1
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (38/38)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (46/46)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (589/591)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (348/348)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (167/167)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (80/80)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (101/101)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (436/436)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (326/323)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (196/196)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (100/100)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (29/29)
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (38/38)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (46/46)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (589/591)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (348/348)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (167/167)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (80/80)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (101/101)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (436/436)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (326/323)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (196/196)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (100/100)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (29/29)
04/09/23 13:35:33ID:1eM/qRH1
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (37/37)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (43/43)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (586/588)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (351/351)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (168/168)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (83/83)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (100/100)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (439/439)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (326/323)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (197/197)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (99/99)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (29/29)
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (37/37)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (43/43)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (586/588)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (351/351)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (168/168)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (83/83)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (100/100)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (439/439)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (326/323)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (197/197)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (99/99)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (29/29)
04/09/23 17:11:35ID:TEOVz/EY
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (36/36)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (43/43)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (589/591)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (355/355)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (170/170)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (80/80)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (100/100)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (446/446)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (325/322)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (196/196)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (98/98)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (31/31)
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (36/36)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (43/43)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (589/591)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (355/355)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (170/170)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (80/80)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (100/100)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (446/446)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (325/322)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (196/196)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (98/98)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (31/31)
04/09/23 18:03:40ID:6O3ovV5z
04/09/23 18:44:23ID:c6VHTLg3 全然
04/09/24 03:49:18ID:WNss/+IF
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (36/36)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (42/42)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (579/581)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (346/346)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (166/166)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (75/75)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (100/100)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (450/450)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (325/322)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (195/195)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (97/97)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (30/30)
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (36/36)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (42/42)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (579/581)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (346/346)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (166/166)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (75/75)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (100/100)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (450/450)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (325/322)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (195/195)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (97/97)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (30/30)
04/09/24 05:25:31ID:WNss/+IF
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (37/37)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (42/42)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (583/585)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (344/344)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (167/167)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (73/73)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (101/101)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (447/447)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (324/321)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (195/195)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (97/97)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (30/30)
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (37/37)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (42/42)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (583/585)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (344/344)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (167/167)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (73/73)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (101/101)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (447/447)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (324/321)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (195/195)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (97/97)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (30/30)
04/09/24 16:06:12ID:WNss/+IF
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (37/37)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (41/41)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (577/578)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (343/343)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (164/164)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (73/73)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (105/105)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (442/442)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (330/327)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (198/198)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (97/97)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (30/30)
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (37/37)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (41/41)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (577/578)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (343/343)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (164/164)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (73/73)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (105/105)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (442/442)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (330/327)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (198/198)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (97/97)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (30/30)
04/09/24 19:18:00ID:uBw9xHvm
04/09/25 02:49:17ID:26D49XhJ
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (38/38)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (39/39)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (584/584)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (342/342)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (171/173)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (76/76)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (104/104)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (445/445)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (327/324)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (201/201)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (97/97)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (28/28)
批判要望 http://ex5.2ch.net/accuse/ (38/38)
宣伝 http://ex5.2ch.net/ad/ (39/39)
大学生活 http://ex5.2ch.net/campus/ (584/584)
海外サッカー http://ex5.2ch.net/football/ (342/342)
ハングル http://ex5.2ch.net/korea/ (171/173)
家庭 http://ex5.2ch.net/live/ (76/76)
マスコミ http://ex5.2ch.net/mass/ (104/104)
邦楽 http://ex5.2ch.net/musicj/ (445/445)
ネットウォッチ http://ex5.2ch.net/net/ (327/324)
シャア専用 http://ex5.2ch.net/shar/ (201/201)
テレビドラマ http://ex5.2ch.net/tvd/ (97/97)
投票所 http://ex5.2ch.net/vote/ (28/28)
04/09/30 06:27:45ID:YmW8nkMi
2004/09/29 22:20:00 LA=10:20PM up 32 days, 5:18, 0 users, load averages: 9.49, 8.56, 7.43
2004/09/29 22:30:01 LA=10:30PM up 32 days, 5:28, 0 users, load averages: 8.41, 7.52, 7.22
2004/09/29 22:40:00 LA=10:40PM up 32 days, 5:38, 0 users, load averages: 7.50, 6.94, 7.06
2004/09/29 22:50:02 LA=10:50PM up 32 days, 5:48, 0 users, load averages: 10.42, 7.51, 7.07
2004/09/29 23:00:07 LA=11:00PM up 32 days, 5:58, 0 users, load averages: 35.56, 20.19, 13.17
2004/09/29 23:10:03 LA=11:10PM up 32 days, 6:08, 0 users, load averages: 21.50, 22.85, 19.04
2004/09/29 23:20:01 LA=11:20PM up 32 days, 6:18, 0 users, load averages: 13.96, 18.34, 19.24
2004/09/29 23:30:02 LA=11:30PM up 32 days, 6:28, 0 users, load averages: 10.23, 12.31, 15.25
2004/09/29 23:40:01 LA=11:40PM up 32 days, 6:38, 0 users, load averages: 9.41, 14.05, 15.44
2004/09/29 23:50:01 LA=11:50PM up 32 days, 6:48, 0 users, load averages: 10.26, 13.95, 15.20
2004/09/30 00:00:00 LA=12:00AM up 32 days, 6:58, 0 users, load averages: 15.54, 17.29, 16.43
2004/09/30 00:10:02 LA=12:10AM up 32 days, 7:08, 0 users, load averages: 27.24, 27.78, 22.17
2004/09/30 00:20:01 LA=12:20AM up 32 days, 7:18, 0 users, load averages: 7.91, 14.11, 17.50
2004/09/30 00:30:02 LA=12:30AM up 32 days, 7:28, 0 users, load averages: 14.24, 14.20, 15.66
2004/09/30 00:40:01 LA=12:40AM up 32 days, 7:38, 0 users, load averages: 8.12, 10.89, 13.42
2004/09/30 00:50:01 LA=12:50AM up 32 days, 7:48, 0 users, load averages: 7.01, 7.66, 10.53
2004/09/30 01:00:01 LA= 1:00AM up 32 days, 7:58, 0 users, load averages: 3.76, 5.40, 7.99
2004/09/30 01:10:00 LA= 1:10AM up 32 days, 8:08, 0 users, load averages: 2.32, 3.71, 5.91
2004/09/30 01:20:00 LA= 1:20AM up 32 days, 8:18, 0 users, load averages: 3.70, 3.93, 4.90
2004/09/30 01:30:01 LA= 1:30AM up 32 days, 8:28, 0 users, load averages: 0.72, 1.62, 3.16
2004/09/30 01:40:00 LA= 1:40AM up 32 days, 8:38, 0 users, load averages: 1.06, 1.32, 2.25
2004/09/30 01:50:00 LA= 1:50AM up 32 days, 8:48, 0 users, load averages: 2.12, 1.56, 1.90
2004/09/30 02:00:01 LA= 2:00AM up 32 days, 8:58, 0 users, load averages: 0.72, 1.20, 1.62
2004/09/29 22:30:01 LA=10:30PM up 32 days, 5:28, 0 users, load averages: 8.41, 7.52, 7.22
2004/09/29 22:40:00 LA=10:40PM up 32 days, 5:38, 0 users, load averages: 7.50, 6.94, 7.06
2004/09/29 22:50:02 LA=10:50PM up 32 days, 5:48, 0 users, load averages: 10.42, 7.51, 7.07
2004/09/29 23:00:07 LA=11:00PM up 32 days, 5:58, 0 users, load averages: 35.56, 20.19, 13.17
2004/09/29 23:10:03 LA=11:10PM up 32 days, 6:08, 0 users, load averages: 21.50, 22.85, 19.04
2004/09/29 23:20:01 LA=11:20PM up 32 days, 6:18, 0 users, load averages: 13.96, 18.34, 19.24
2004/09/29 23:30:02 LA=11:30PM up 32 days, 6:28, 0 users, load averages: 10.23, 12.31, 15.25
2004/09/29 23:40:01 LA=11:40PM up 32 days, 6:38, 0 users, load averages: 9.41, 14.05, 15.44
2004/09/29 23:50:01 LA=11:50PM up 32 days, 6:48, 0 users, load averages: 10.26, 13.95, 15.20
2004/09/30 00:00:00 LA=12:00AM up 32 days, 6:58, 0 users, load averages: 15.54, 17.29, 16.43
2004/09/30 00:10:02 LA=12:10AM up 32 days, 7:08, 0 users, load averages: 27.24, 27.78, 22.17
2004/09/30 00:20:01 LA=12:20AM up 32 days, 7:18, 0 users, load averages: 7.91, 14.11, 17.50
2004/09/30 00:30:02 LA=12:30AM up 32 days, 7:28, 0 users, load averages: 14.24, 14.20, 15.66
2004/09/30 00:40:01 LA=12:40AM up 32 days, 7:38, 0 users, load averages: 8.12, 10.89, 13.42
2004/09/30 00:50:01 LA=12:50AM up 32 days, 7:48, 0 users, load averages: 7.01, 7.66, 10.53
2004/09/30 01:00:01 LA= 1:00AM up 32 days, 7:58, 0 users, load averages: 3.76, 5.40, 7.99
2004/09/30 01:10:00 LA= 1:10AM up 32 days, 8:08, 0 users, load averages: 2.32, 3.71, 5.91
2004/09/30 01:20:00 LA= 1:20AM up 32 days, 8:18, 0 users, load averages: 3.70, 3.93, 4.90
2004/09/30 01:30:01 LA= 1:30AM up 32 days, 8:28, 0 users, load averages: 0.72, 1.62, 3.16
2004/09/30 01:40:00 LA= 1:40AM up 32 days, 8:38, 0 users, load averages: 1.06, 1.32, 2.25
2004/09/30 01:50:00 LA= 1:50AM up 32 days, 8:48, 0 users, load averages: 2.12, 1.56, 1.90
2004/09/30 02:00:01 LA= 2:00AM up 32 days, 8:58, 0 users, load averages: 0.72, 1.20, 1.62
04/10/01 00:06:36ID:6IiBhm2i
2004/09/30 22:20:00 LA=10:20PM up 33 days, 5:18, 0 users, load averages: 6.33, 7.93, 7.39
2004/09/30 22:30:00 LA=10:30PM up 33 days, 5:28, 0 users, load averages: 5.24, 7.11, 7.40
2004/09/30 22:40:00 LA=10:40PM up 33 days, 5:38, 0 users, load averages: 8.10, 7.75, 7.39
2004/09/30 22:50:01 LA=10:50PM up 33 days, 5:48, 0 users, load averages: 5.92, 7.20, 7.31
2004/09/30 23:00:01 LA=11:00PM up 33 days, 5:58, 0 users, load averages: 7.85, 7.52, 7.34
2004/09/30 23:10:01 LA=11:10PM up 33 days, 6:08, 0 users, load averages: 19.59, 11.68, 9.09
2004/09/30 23:20:01 LA=11:20PM up 33 days, 6:18, 0 users, load averages: 8.88, 13.41, 11.48
2004/09/30 23:30:00 LA=11:30PM up 33 days, 6:28, 0 users, load averages: 14.70, 14.88, 13.40
2004/09/30 23:40:00 LA=11:40PM up 33 days, 6:38, 0 users, load averages: 14.63, 15.54, 14.25
2004/09/30 23:50:01 LA=11:50PM up 33 days, 6:48, 0 users, load averages: 16.56, 15.51, 14.42
2004/09/30 22:30:00 LA=10:30PM up 33 days, 5:28, 0 users, load averages: 5.24, 7.11, 7.40
2004/09/30 22:40:00 LA=10:40PM up 33 days, 5:38, 0 users, load averages: 8.10, 7.75, 7.39
2004/09/30 22:50:01 LA=10:50PM up 33 days, 5:48, 0 users, load averages: 5.92, 7.20, 7.31
2004/09/30 23:00:01 LA=11:00PM up 33 days, 5:58, 0 users, load averages: 7.85, 7.52, 7.34
2004/09/30 23:10:01 LA=11:10PM up 33 days, 6:08, 0 users, load averages: 19.59, 11.68, 9.09
2004/09/30 23:20:01 LA=11:20PM up 33 days, 6:18, 0 users, load averages: 8.88, 13.41, 11.48
2004/09/30 23:30:00 LA=11:30PM up 33 days, 6:28, 0 users, load averages: 14.70, 14.88, 13.40
2004/09/30 23:40:00 LA=11:40PM up 33 days, 6:38, 0 users, load averages: 14.63, 15.54, 14.25
2004/09/30 23:50:01 LA=11:50PM up 33 days, 6:48, 0 users, load averages: 16.56, 15.51, 14.42
2004/10/01 00:00:02 LA=12:00AM up 33 days, 6:58, 0 users, load averages: 28.26, 23.83, 18.97
2004/10/01 00:10:00 LA=12:10AM up 33 days, 7:08, 0 users, load averages: 21.93, 39.05, 33.89
2004/10/01 00:20:01 LA=12:20AM up 33 days, 7:18, 0 users, load averages: 14.90, 17.04, 23.46
2004/10/01 00:30:01 LA=12:30AM up 33 days, 7:28, 0 users, load averages: 8.25, 9.69, 16.02
2004/10/01 00:40:00 LA=12:40AM up 33 days, 7:38, 0 users, load averages: 6.48, 9.95, 13.79
2004/10/01 00:50:00 LA=12:50AM up 33 days, 7:48, 0 users, load averages: 7.60, 7.76, 10.74
2004/10/01 01:00:01 LA= 1:00AM up 33 days, 7:58, 0 users, load averages: 3.28, 4.80, 7.62
2004/10/01 01:10:00 LA= 1:10AM up 33 days, 8:08, 0 users, load averages: 1.66, 2.83, 5.17
2004/10/01 01:20:01 LA= 1:20AM up 33 days, 8:18, 0 users, load averages: 3.33, 3.11, 4.14
2004/10/01 01:30:00 LA= 1:30AM up 33 days, 8:28, 0 users, load averages: 1.35, 1.74, 2.89
2004/10/01 01:40:01 LA= 1:40AM up 33 days, 8:38, 0 users, load averages: 0.75, 1.19, 2.01
2004/10/01 01:50:00 LA= 1:50AM up 33 days, 8:48, 0 users, load averages: 1.13, 1.19, 1.58
2004/10/01 02:00:00 LA= 2:00AM up 33 days, 8:58, 0 users, load averages: 0.77, 0.96, 1.26
2004/10/01 00:10:00 LA=12:10AM up 33 days, 7:08, 0 users, load averages: 21.93, 39.05, 33.89
2004/10/01 00:20:01 LA=12:20AM up 33 days, 7:18, 0 users, load averages: 14.90, 17.04, 23.46
2004/10/01 00:30:01 LA=12:30AM up 33 days, 7:28, 0 users, load averages: 8.25, 9.69, 16.02
2004/10/01 00:40:00 LA=12:40AM up 33 days, 7:38, 0 users, load averages: 6.48, 9.95, 13.79
2004/10/01 00:50:00 LA=12:50AM up 33 days, 7:48, 0 users, load averages: 7.60, 7.76, 10.74
2004/10/01 01:00:01 LA= 1:00AM up 33 days, 7:58, 0 users, load averages: 3.28, 4.80, 7.62
2004/10/01 01:10:00 LA= 1:10AM up 33 days, 8:08, 0 users, load averages: 1.66, 2.83, 5.17
2004/10/01 01:20:01 LA= 1:20AM up 33 days, 8:18, 0 users, load averages: 3.33, 3.11, 4.14
2004/10/01 01:30:00 LA= 1:30AM up 33 days, 8:28, 0 users, load averages: 1.35, 1.74, 2.89
2004/10/01 01:40:01 LA= 1:40AM up 33 days, 8:38, 0 users, load averages: 0.75, 1.19, 2.01
2004/10/01 01:50:00 LA= 1:50AM up 33 days, 8:48, 0 users, load averages: 1.13, 1.19, 1.58
2004/10/01 02:00:00 LA= 2:00AM up 33 days, 8:58, 0 users, load averages: 0.77, 0.96, 1.26
04/10/02 04:54:57ID:rUeWEhCC
2004/10/01 22:20:00 LA=10:20PM up 34 days, 5:18, 0 users, load averages: 3.20, 4.43, 4.28
2004/10/01 22:30:00 LA=10:30PM up 34 days, 5:28, 0 users, load averages: 4.67, 4.59, 4.38
2004/10/01 22:40:00 LA=10:40PM up 34 days, 5:38, 0 users, load averages: 8.86, 6.65, 5.32
2004/10/01 22:50:00 LA=10:50PM up 34 days, 5:48, 0 users, load averages: 5.73, 5.17, 5.05
2004/10/01 23:00:01 LA=11:00PM up 34 days, 5:58, 0 users, load averages: 10.06, 7.34, 6.08
2004/10/01 23:10:00 LA=11:10PM up 34 days, 6:08, 0 users, load averages: 8.77, 7.90, 6.82
2004/10/01 23:20:00 LA=11:20PM up 34 days, 6:18, 0 users, load averages: 7.23, 8.02, 7.45
2004/10/01 23:30:01 LA=11:30PM up 34 days, 6:28, 0 users, load averages: 16.57, 15.53, 11.30
2004/10/01 23:40:01 LA=11:40PM up 34 days, 6:38, 0 users, load averages: 20.65, 13.62, 11.50
2004/10/01 23:50:00 LA=11:50PM up 34 days, 6:48, 0 users, load averages: 14.22, 11.03, 10.91
2004/10/02 00:00:05 LA=12:00AM up 34 days, 6:58, 0 users, load averages: 53.38, 39.36, 24.54
2004/10/02 00:10:01 LA=12:10AM up 34 days, 7:08, 0 users, load averages: 13.08, 22.17, 22.73
2004/10/02 00:20:00 LA=12:20AM up 34 days, 7:18, 0 users, load averages: 9.19, 10.81, 16.14
2004/10/02 00:30:00 LA=12:30AM up 34 days, 7:28, 0 users, load averages: 6.76, 10.00, 13.09
2004/10/02 00:40:00 LA=12:40AM up 34 days, 7:38, 0 users, load averages: 9.80, 10.11, 11.64
2004/10/02 00:50:00 LA=12:50AM up 34 days, 7:48, 0 users, load averages: 5.66, 6.74, 9.06
2004/10/02 01:00:01 LA= 1:00AM up 34 days, 7:58, 0 users, load averages: 5.96, 6.52, 7.76
2004/10/02 01:10:01 LA= 1:10AM up 34 days, 8:08, 0 users, load averages: 4.76, 5.32, 6.46
2004/10/02 01:20:00 LA= 1:20AM up 34 days, 8:18, 0 users, load averages: 5.17, 5.13, 5.80
2004/10/02 01:30:01 LA= 1:30AM up 34 days, 8:28, 0 users, load averages: 1.75, 3.56, 4.70
2004/10/02 01:40:01 LA= 1:40AM up 34 days, 8:38, 0 users, load averages: 6.78, 3.55, 3.80
2004/10/02 01:50:01 LA= 1:50AM up 34 days, 8:48, 0 users, load averages: 2.57, 3.22, 3.65
2004/10/02 02:00:01 LA= 2:00AM up 34 days, 8:58, 0 users, load averages: 1.62, 2.28, 2.92
2004/10/01 22:30:00 LA=10:30PM up 34 days, 5:28, 0 users, load averages: 4.67, 4.59, 4.38
2004/10/01 22:40:00 LA=10:40PM up 34 days, 5:38, 0 users, load averages: 8.86, 6.65, 5.32
2004/10/01 22:50:00 LA=10:50PM up 34 days, 5:48, 0 users, load averages: 5.73, 5.17, 5.05
2004/10/01 23:00:01 LA=11:00PM up 34 days, 5:58, 0 users, load averages: 10.06, 7.34, 6.08
2004/10/01 23:10:00 LA=11:10PM up 34 days, 6:08, 0 users, load averages: 8.77, 7.90, 6.82
2004/10/01 23:20:00 LA=11:20PM up 34 days, 6:18, 0 users, load averages: 7.23, 8.02, 7.45
2004/10/01 23:30:01 LA=11:30PM up 34 days, 6:28, 0 users, load averages: 16.57, 15.53, 11.30
2004/10/01 23:40:01 LA=11:40PM up 34 days, 6:38, 0 users, load averages: 20.65, 13.62, 11.50
2004/10/01 23:50:00 LA=11:50PM up 34 days, 6:48, 0 users, load averages: 14.22, 11.03, 10.91
2004/10/02 00:00:05 LA=12:00AM up 34 days, 6:58, 0 users, load averages: 53.38, 39.36, 24.54
2004/10/02 00:10:01 LA=12:10AM up 34 days, 7:08, 0 users, load averages: 13.08, 22.17, 22.73
2004/10/02 00:20:00 LA=12:20AM up 34 days, 7:18, 0 users, load averages: 9.19, 10.81, 16.14
2004/10/02 00:30:00 LA=12:30AM up 34 days, 7:28, 0 users, load averages: 6.76, 10.00, 13.09
2004/10/02 00:40:00 LA=12:40AM up 34 days, 7:38, 0 users, load averages: 9.80, 10.11, 11.64
2004/10/02 00:50:00 LA=12:50AM up 34 days, 7:48, 0 users, load averages: 5.66, 6.74, 9.06
2004/10/02 01:00:01 LA= 1:00AM up 34 days, 7:58, 0 users, load averages: 5.96, 6.52, 7.76
2004/10/02 01:10:01 LA= 1:10AM up 34 days, 8:08, 0 users, load averages: 4.76, 5.32, 6.46
2004/10/02 01:20:00 LA= 1:20AM up 34 days, 8:18, 0 users, load averages: 5.17, 5.13, 5.80
2004/10/02 01:30:01 LA= 1:30AM up 34 days, 8:28, 0 users, load averages: 1.75, 3.56, 4.70
2004/10/02 01:40:01 LA= 1:40AM up 34 days, 8:38, 0 users, load averages: 6.78, 3.55, 3.80
2004/10/02 01:50:01 LA= 1:50AM up 34 days, 8:48, 0 users, load averages: 2.57, 3.22, 3.65
2004/10/02 02:00:01 LA= 2:00AM up 34 days, 8:58, 0 users, load averages: 1.62, 2.28, 2.92
04/10/05 03:50:40ID:TGY7ALhW
2004/10/04 22:20:00 LA=10:20PM up 37 days, 5:18, 0 users, load averages: 5.49, 7.56, 8.01
2004/10/04 22:30:01 LA=10:30PM up 37 days, 5:28, 0 users, load averages: 12.82, 10.52, 9.05
2004/10/04 22:40:04 LA=10:40PM up 37 days, 5:38, 0 users, load averages: 15.49, 10.85, 9.73
2004/10/04 22:50:01 LA=10:50PM up 37 days, 5:48, 0 users, load averages: 17.50, 14.91, 12.29
2004/10/04 23:00:02 LA=11:00PM up 37 days, 5:58, 0 users, load averages: 27.46, 22.78, 16.91
2004/10/04 23:10:01 LA=11:10PM up 37 days, 6:08, 0 users, load averages: 20.89, 21.23, 18.22
2004/10/04 23:20:01 LA=11:20PM up 37 days, 6:18, 0 users, load averages: 29.84, 20.95, 18.63
2004/10/04 23:30:05 LA=11:30PM up 37 days, 6:28, 0 users, load averages: 31.18, 30.99, 25.20
2004/10/04 23:40:00 LA=11:40PM up 37 days, 6:38, 0 users, load averages: 18.75, 20.57, 21.16
2004/10/04 23:50:00 LA=11:50PM up 37 days, 6:48, 0 users, load averages: 15.59, 14.28, 16.72
2004/10/05 00:00:02 LA=12:00AM up 37 days, 6:58, 0 users, load averages: 21.69, 22.59, 19.59
2004/10/05 00:10:03 LA=12:10AM up 37 days, 7:08, 0 users, load averages: 18.94, 20.26, 19.63
2004/10/05 00:20:00 LA=12:20AM up 37 days, 7:18, 0 users, load averages: 23.14, 17.25, 17.66
2004/10/05 00:30:00 LA=12:30AM up 37 days, 7:28, 0 users, load averages: 8.40, 11.65, 14.68
2004/10/05 00:40:01 LA=12:40AM up 37 days, 7:38, 0 users, load averages: 8.40, 9.26, 11.85
2004/10/05 00:50:01 LA=12:50AM up 37 days, 7:48, 0 users, load averages: 7.19, 6.79, 8.91
2004/10/05 01:00:01 LA= 1:00AM up 37 days, 7:58, 0 users, load averages: 2.99, 5.72, 7.61
2004/10/05 01:10:01 LA= 1:10AM up 37 days, 8:08, 0 users, load averages: 5.60, 5.45, 6.57
2004/10/05 01:20:00 LA= 1:20AM up 37 days, 8:18, 0 users, load averages: 6.04, 5.31, 5.73
2004/10/05 01:30:01 LA= 1:30AM up 37 days, 8:28, 0 users, load averages: 2.50, 3.29, 4.31
2004/10/05 01:40:00 LA= 1:40AM up 37 days, 8:38, 0 users, load averages: 2.38, 2.57, 3.47
2004/10/05 01:50:00 LA= 1:50AM up 37 days, 8:48, 0 users, load averages: 1.12, 1.65, 2.52
2004/10/05 02:00:01 LA= 2:00AM up 37 days, 8:58, 0 users, load averages: 0.84, 1.02, 1.72
2004/10/04 22:30:01 LA=10:30PM up 37 days, 5:28, 0 users, load averages: 12.82, 10.52, 9.05
2004/10/04 22:40:04 LA=10:40PM up 37 days, 5:38, 0 users, load averages: 15.49, 10.85, 9.73
2004/10/04 22:50:01 LA=10:50PM up 37 days, 5:48, 0 users, load averages: 17.50, 14.91, 12.29
2004/10/04 23:00:02 LA=11:00PM up 37 days, 5:58, 0 users, load averages: 27.46, 22.78, 16.91
2004/10/04 23:10:01 LA=11:10PM up 37 days, 6:08, 0 users, load averages: 20.89, 21.23, 18.22
2004/10/04 23:20:01 LA=11:20PM up 37 days, 6:18, 0 users, load averages: 29.84, 20.95, 18.63
2004/10/04 23:30:05 LA=11:30PM up 37 days, 6:28, 0 users, load averages: 31.18, 30.99, 25.20
2004/10/04 23:40:00 LA=11:40PM up 37 days, 6:38, 0 users, load averages: 18.75, 20.57, 21.16
2004/10/04 23:50:00 LA=11:50PM up 37 days, 6:48, 0 users, load averages: 15.59, 14.28, 16.72
2004/10/05 00:00:02 LA=12:00AM up 37 days, 6:58, 0 users, load averages: 21.69, 22.59, 19.59
2004/10/05 00:10:03 LA=12:10AM up 37 days, 7:08, 0 users, load averages: 18.94, 20.26, 19.63
2004/10/05 00:20:00 LA=12:20AM up 37 days, 7:18, 0 users, load averages: 23.14, 17.25, 17.66
2004/10/05 00:30:00 LA=12:30AM up 37 days, 7:28, 0 users, load averages: 8.40, 11.65, 14.68
2004/10/05 00:40:01 LA=12:40AM up 37 days, 7:38, 0 users, load averages: 8.40, 9.26, 11.85
2004/10/05 00:50:01 LA=12:50AM up 37 days, 7:48, 0 users, load averages: 7.19, 6.79, 8.91
2004/10/05 01:00:01 LA= 1:00AM up 37 days, 7:58, 0 users, load averages: 2.99, 5.72, 7.61
2004/10/05 01:10:01 LA= 1:10AM up 37 days, 8:08, 0 users, load averages: 5.60, 5.45, 6.57
2004/10/05 01:20:00 LA= 1:20AM up 37 days, 8:18, 0 users, load averages: 6.04, 5.31, 5.73
2004/10/05 01:30:01 LA= 1:30AM up 37 days, 8:28, 0 users, load averages: 2.50, 3.29, 4.31
2004/10/05 01:40:00 LA= 1:40AM up 37 days, 8:38, 0 users, load averages: 2.38, 2.57, 3.47
2004/10/05 01:50:00 LA= 1:50AM up 37 days, 8:48, 0 users, load averages: 1.12, 1.65, 2.52
2004/10/05 02:00:01 LA= 2:00AM up 37 days, 8:58, 0 users, load averages: 0.84, 1.02, 1.72
04/10/06 03:34:25ID:jFw3Y+dG
2004/10/05 22:00:00 LA=10:00PM up 38 days, 4:58, 0 users, load averages: 7.44, 7.47, 6.62
2004/10/05 22:10:00 LA=10:10PM up 38 days, 5:08, 0 users, load averages: 11.33, 12.30, 10.01
2004/10/05 22:20:00 LA=10:20PM up 38 days, 5:18, 0 users, load averages: 21.45, 21.04, 15.85
2004/10/05 22:30:00 LA=10:30PM up 38 days, 5:28, 0 users, load averages: 13.44, 15.87, 16.11
2004/10/05 22:40:03 LA=10:40PM up 38 days, 5:38, 0 users, load averages: 15.24, 16.99, 16.58
2004/10/05 22:50:04 LA=10:50PM up 38 days, 5:48, 0 users, load averages: 35.17, 28.21, 22.65
2004/10/05 23:00:02 LA=11:00PM up 38 days, 5:58, 0 users, load averages: 15.71, 21.94, 23.57
2004/10/05 23:10:03 LA=11:10PM up 38 days, 6:08, 0 users, load averages: 49.77, 29.01, 25.18
2004/10/05 23:30:02 LA=11:30PM up 38 days, 6:28, 0 users, load averages: 48.04, 51.61, 45.79
2004/10/05 23:40:04 LA=11:40PM up 38 days, 6:38, 0 users, load averages: 19.81, 33.62, 39.13
2004/10/05 23:50:03 LA=11:50PM up 38 days, 6:48, 0 users, load averages: 22.87, 24.63, 30.89
2004/10/06 00:00:01 LA=12:00AM up 38 days, 6:58, 0 users, load averages: 21.36, 22.33, 26.62
2004/10/06 00:10:06 LA=12:10AM up 38 days, 7:08, 0 users, load averages: 59.64, 39.78, 31.67
2004/10/06 00:20:00 LA=12:20AM up 38 days, 7:18, 0 users, load averages: 12.40, 18.12, 24.24
2004/10/06 00:30:01 LA=12:30AM up 38 days, 7:28, 0 users, load averages: 7.28, 11.10, 17.31
2004/10/06 00:40:00 LA=12:40AM up 38 days, 7:38, 0 users, load averages: 10.42, 10.89, 14.02
2004/10/06 00:50:00 LA=12:50AM up 38 days, 7:48, 0 users, load averages: 12.47, 11.04, 12.30
2004/10/06 01:00:00 LA= 1:00AM up 38 days, 7:58, 0 users, load averages: 2.40, 4.48, 7.93
2004/10/06 01:10:01 LA= 1:10AM up 38 days, 8:08, 0 users, load averages: 2.60, 4.11, 6.12
2004/10/06 01:20:01 LA= 1:20AM up 38 days, 8:18, 0 users, load averages: 4.18, 4.17, 5.20
2004/10/06 01:30:00 LA= 1:30AM up 38 days, 8:28, 0 users, load averages: 3.21, 3.64, 4.28
2004/10/06 01:40:01 LA= 1:40AM up 38 days, 8:38, 0 users, load averages: 1.67, 2.62, 3.53
2004/10/06 01:50:01 LA= 1:50AM up 38 days, 8:48, 0 users, load averages: 1.38, 1.69, 2.56
2004/10/06 02:00:01 LA= 2:00AM up 38 days, 8:58, 0 users, load averages: 0.62, 1.30, 1.97
2004/10/05 22:10:00 LA=10:10PM up 38 days, 5:08, 0 users, load averages: 11.33, 12.30, 10.01
2004/10/05 22:20:00 LA=10:20PM up 38 days, 5:18, 0 users, load averages: 21.45, 21.04, 15.85
2004/10/05 22:30:00 LA=10:30PM up 38 days, 5:28, 0 users, load averages: 13.44, 15.87, 16.11
2004/10/05 22:40:03 LA=10:40PM up 38 days, 5:38, 0 users, load averages: 15.24, 16.99, 16.58
2004/10/05 22:50:04 LA=10:50PM up 38 days, 5:48, 0 users, load averages: 35.17, 28.21, 22.65
2004/10/05 23:00:02 LA=11:00PM up 38 days, 5:58, 0 users, load averages: 15.71, 21.94, 23.57
2004/10/05 23:10:03 LA=11:10PM up 38 days, 6:08, 0 users, load averages: 49.77, 29.01, 25.18
2004/10/05 23:30:02 LA=11:30PM up 38 days, 6:28, 0 users, load averages: 48.04, 51.61, 45.79
2004/10/05 23:40:04 LA=11:40PM up 38 days, 6:38, 0 users, load averages: 19.81, 33.62, 39.13
2004/10/05 23:50:03 LA=11:50PM up 38 days, 6:48, 0 users, load averages: 22.87, 24.63, 30.89
2004/10/06 00:00:01 LA=12:00AM up 38 days, 6:58, 0 users, load averages: 21.36, 22.33, 26.62
2004/10/06 00:10:06 LA=12:10AM up 38 days, 7:08, 0 users, load averages: 59.64, 39.78, 31.67
2004/10/06 00:20:00 LA=12:20AM up 38 days, 7:18, 0 users, load averages: 12.40, 18.12, 24.24
2004/10/06 00:30:01 LA=12:30AM up 38 days, 7:28, 0 users, load averages: 7.28, 11.10, 17.31
2004/10/06 00:40:00 LA=12:40AM up 38 days, 7:38, 0 users, load averages: 10.42, 10.89, 14.02
2004/10/06 00:50:00 LA=12:50AM up 38 days, 7:48, 0 users, load averages: 12.47, 11.04, 12.30
2004/10/06 01:00:00 LA= 1:00AM up 38 days, 7:58, 0 users, load averages: 2.40, 4.48, 7.93
2004/10/06 01:10:01 LA= 1:10AM up 38 days, 8:08, 0 users, load averages: 2.60, 4.11, 6.12
2004/10/06 01:20:01 LA= 1:20AM up 38 days, 8:18, 0 users, load averages: 4.18, 4.17, 5.20
2004/10/06 01:30:00 LA= 1:30AM up 38 days, 8:28, 0 users, load averages: 3.21, 3.64, 4.28
2004/10/06 01:40:01 LA= 1:40AM up 38 days, 8:38, 0 users, load averages: 1.67, 2.62, 3.53
2004/10/06 01:50:01 LA= 1:50AM up 38 days, 8:48, 0 users, load averages: 1.38, 1.69, 2.56
2004/10/06 02:00:01 LA= 2:00AM up 38 days, 8:58, 0 users, load averages: 0.62, 1.30, 1.97
04/10/07 02:22:17ID:vz8mXdus
2004/10/06 22:00:01 LA=10:00PM up 39 days, 4:58, 0 users, load averages: 8.07, 7.61, 5.98
2004/10/06 22:10:00 LA=10:10PM up 39 days, 5:08, 0 users, load averages: 7.70, 6.94, 6.36
2004/10/06 22:20:00 LA=10:20PM up 39 days, 5:18, 0 users, load averages: 4.53, 5.67, 5.96
2004/10/06 22:30:01 LA=10:30PM up 39 days, 5:28, 0 users, load averages: 6.31, 7.05, 6.74
2004/10/06 22:40:01 LA=10:40PM up 39 days, 5:38, 0 users, load averages: 7.77, 6.73, 6.69
2004/10/06 22:50:01 LA=10:50PM up 39 days, 5:48, 0 users, load averages: 7.95, 8.19, 7.56
2004/10/06 23:00:00 LA=11:00PM up 39 days, 5:58, 0 users, load averages: 7.48, 9.22, 8.73
2004/10/06 23:10:00 LA=11:10PM up 39 days, 6:08, 0 users, load averages: 10.90, 9.04, 8.64
2004/10/06 23:20:01 LA=11:20PM up 39 days, 6:18, 0 users, load averages: 11.48, 9.43, 9.09
2004/10/06 23:30:00 LA=11:30PM up 39 days, 6:28, 0 users, load averages: 8.78, 10.37, 10.18
2004/10/06 23:40:00 LA=11:40PM up 39 days, 6:38, 0 users, load averages: 7.43, 11.06, 11.12
2004/10/06 23:50:10 LA=11:50PM up 39 days, 6:48, 0 users, load averages: 57.94, 50.20, 33.00
2004/10/07 00:00:03 LA=12:00AM up 39 days, 6:58, 0 users, load averages: 31.17, 44.57, 39.68
2004/10/07 00:10:02 LA=12:10AM up 39 days, 7:08, 0 users, load averages: 19.46, 22.82, 29.83
2004/10/07 00:20:03 LA=12:20AM up 39 days, 7:18, 0 users, load averages: 12.81, 16.35, 22.86
2004/10/07 00:30:00 LA=12:30AM up 39 days, 7:28, 0 users, load averages: 11.23, 14.20, 18.69
2004/10/07 00:40:00 LA=12:40AM up 39 days, 7:38, 0 users, load averages: 10.65, 8.59, 12.87
2004/10/07 00:50:00 LA=12:50AM up 39 days, 7:48, 0 users, load averages: 5.91, 6.59, 9.63
2004/10/07 01:00:01 LA= 1:00AM up 39 days, 7:58, 0 users, load averages: 3.40, 4.23, 6.75
2004/10/07 01:10:01 LA= 1:10AM up 39 days, 8:08, 0 users, load averages: 3.20, 3.98, 5.43
2004/10/07 01:20:00 LA= 1:20AM up 39 days, 8:18, 0 users, load averages: 3.45, 3.54, 4.32
2004/10/07 01:30:00 LA= 1:30AM up 39 days, 8:28, 0 users, load averages: 2.26, 2.59, 3.29
2004/10/07 01:40:00 LA= 1:40AM up 39 days, 8:38, 0 users, load averages: 2.57, 2.43, 2.73
2004/10/07 01:50:01 LA= 1:50AM up 39 days, 8:48, 0 users, load averages: 1.93, 2.31, 2.58
2004/10/07 02:00:01 LA= 2:00AM up 39 days, 8:58, 0 users, load averages: 1.12, 1.48, 1.95
2004/10/06 22:10:00 LA=10:10PM up 39 days, 5:08, 0 users, load averages: 7.70, 6.94, 6.36
2004/10/06 22:20:00 LA=10:20PM up 39 days, 5:18, 0 users, load averages: 4.53, 5.67, 5.96
2004/10/06 22:30:01 LA=10:30PM up 39 days, 5:28, 0 users, load averages: 6.31, 7.05, 6.74
2004/10/06 22:40:01 LA=10:40PM up 39 days, 5:38, 0 users, load averages: 7.77, 6.73, 6.69
2004/10/06 22:50:01 LA=10:50PM up 39 days, 5:48, 0 users, load averages: 7.95, 8.19, 7.56
2004/10/06 23:00:00 LA=11:00PM up 39 days, 5:58, 0 users, load averages: 7.48, 9.22, 8.73
2004/10/06 23:10:00 LA=11:10PM up 39 days, 6:08, 0 users, load averages: 10.90, 9.04, 8.64
2004/10/06 23:20:01 LA=11:20PM up 39 days, 6:18, 0 users, load averages: 11.48, 9.43, 9.09
2004/10/06 23:30:00 LA=11:30PM up 39 days, 6:28, 0 users, load averages: 8.78, 10.37, 10.18
2004/10/06 23:40:00 LA=11:40PM up 39 days, 6:38, 0 users, load averages: 7.43, 11.06, 11.12
2004/10/06 23:50:10 LA=11:50PM up 39 days, 6:48, 0 users, load averages: 57.94, 50.20, 33.00
2004/10/07 00:00:03 LA=12:00AM up 39 days, 6:58, 0 users, load averages: 31.17, 44.57, 39.68
2004/10/07 00:10:02 LA=12:10AM up 39 days, 7:08, 0 users, load averages: 19.46, 22.82, 29.83
2004/10/07 00:20:03 LA=12:20AM up 39 days, 7:18, 0 users, load averages: 12.81, 16.35, 22.86
2004/10/07 00:30:00 LA=12:30AM up 39 days, 7:28, 0 users, load averages: 11.23, 14.20, 18.69
2004/10/07 00:40:00 LA=12:40AM up 39 days, 7:38, 0 users, load averages: 10.65, 8.59, 12.87
2004/10/07 00:50:00 LA=12:50AM up 39 days, 7:48, 0 users, load averages: 5.91, 6.59, 9.63
2004/10/07 01:00:01 LA= 1:00AM up 39 days, 7:58, 0 users, load averages: 3.40, 4.23, 6.75
2004/10/07 01:10:01 LA= 1:10AM up 39 days, 8:08, 0 users, load averages: 3.20, 3.98, 5.43
2004/10/07 01:20:00 LA= 1:20AM up 39 days, 8:18, 0 users, load averages: 3.45, 3.54, 4.32
2004/10/07 01:30:00 LA= 1:30AM up 39 days, 8:28, 0 users, load averages: 2.26, 2.59, 3.29
2004/10/07 01:40:00 LA= 1:40AM up 39 days, 8:38, 0 users, load averages: 2.57, 2.43, 2.73
2004/10/07 01:50:01 LA= 1:50AM up 39 days, 8:48, 0 users, load averages: 1.93, 2.31, 2.58
2004/10/07 02:00:01 LA= 2:00AM up 39 days, 8:58, 0 users, load averages: 1.12, 1.48, 1.95
04/10/07 21:23:41ID:J/2NGwpV 重いしスレ保管数変だし直して
04/10/07 22:12:59ID:Uu1kLIZ5
2004/10/07 21:00:01 LA= 9:00PM up 40 days, 3:58, 0 users, load averages: 4.38, 3.88, 3.46
2004/10/07 21:10:01 LA= 9:10PM up 40 days, 4:08, 0 users, load averages: 2.23, 3.04, 3.34
2004/10/07 21:20:04 LA= 9:20PM up 40 days, 4:18, 0 users, load averages: 63.78, 51.52, 29.75
2004/10/07 21:30:01 LA= 9:30PM up 40 days, 4:28, 0 users, load averages: 78.13, 71.87, 50.68
2004/10/07 21:40:03 LA= 9:40PM up 40 days, 4:38, 0 users, load averages: 29.42, 57.07, 57.25
2004/10/07 21:50:01 LA= 9:50PM up 40 days, 4:48, 0 users, load averages: 6.23, 14.67, 32.94
2004/10/07 22:00:00 LA=10:00PM up 40 days, 4:58, 0 users, load averages: 11.33, 12.96, 22.64
2004/10/07 22:10:06 LA=10:10PM up 40 days, 5:08, 0 users, load averages: 88.68, 68.58, 45.94
2004/10/07 21:00:01 LA= 9:00PM up 40 days, 3:58, 0 users, load averages: 4.38, 3.88, 3.46
2004/10/07 21:10:01 LA= 9:10PM up 40 days, 4:08, 0 users, load averages: 2.23, 3.04, 3.34
2004/10/07 21:20:04 LA= 9:20PM up 40 days, 4:18, 0 users, load averages: 63.78, 51.52, 29.75
2004/10/07 21:30:01 LA= 9:30PM up 40 days, 4:28, 0 users, load averages: 78.13, 71.87, 50.68
2004/10/07 21:40:03 LA= 9:40PM up 40 days, 4:38, 0 users, load averages: 29.42, 57.07, 57.25
2004/10/07 21:50:01 LA= 9:50PM up 40 days, 4:48, 0 users, load averages: 6.23, 14.67, 32.94
2004/10/07 22:00:00 LA=10:00PM up 40 days, 4:58, 0 users, load averages: 11.33, 12.96, 22.64
2004/10/07 22:10:06 LA=10:10PM up 40 days, 5:08, 0 users, load averages: 88.68, 68.58, 45.94
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
- 【速報】米、ウクライナ軍事支援を一時停止と報道 [蚤の市★]
- トランプ氏、円安誘導と批判 関税引き上げも示唆 ★2 [蚤の市★]
- ポーランド・ワレサ氏 トランプ氏は「ブダペスト覚書」を履行せよ、ウクライナは安全保障と引換えに核兵器を撤去した [お断り★]
- 【米国】トランプ大統領が謎めいた声明を発表「明日の夜はすごいことになる。ありのままに伝えるよ!」 ★3 [樽悶★]
- 野球離れに加速感「世間に選ばれなくなる」 実数把握開始も…学童“6000チーム消滅”の内実 [尺アジ★]
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- エマニュエル・トッド「黒人差別ができなくなったことの埋め合わせとして、格差と弱者白人が生まれた。両者は不可分である」 石破、 [312375913]
- トランプ&アメリカ人「え、待って???関税って輸出国が払ってくれるんじゃないの???」 [597297612]
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- 【速報】俺たちのトランプおやびん、ウクライナ支援を停止wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [271819932]
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