【しらたま】雪だるま作戦に思いを馳せながら雑談するスレッド Part11
ブレーメンメーター: http://mumumu.mu/bremen/
MRTGによる統計情報: http://mumumu.mu/mrtg/
2ちゃんねる サーバ負荷監視所: http://ch2.ath.cx/load/
2ch 鯖監視係。: http://sv2ch.baila6.jp/
2ch CGI 軽量化: http://sunos.saita.ma/2ch-cgi-lw.html
2ch特化型サーバ・ロケーション構築作戦 Part19
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
1root▲ ★
NGNG97root▲ ★
NGNG >>96
mv apacheのログのディレクトリ aaa
mkdir apacheのログのディレクトリ
rm -rf aaa
システムディスク(/var)で起こったので、aac (Adaptec RAID)の問題、、、かも。
RAID 1の状態にはなっていて、エラーが上がったわけではありませんでした。
mv apacheのログのディレクトリ aaa
mkdir apacheのログのディレクトリ
rm -rf aaa
システムディスク(/var)で起こったので、aac (Adaptec RAID)の問題、、、かも。
RAID 1の状態にはなっていて、エラーが上がったわけではありませんでした。
98root▲ ★
NGNG Seanさん & 関係者に出したメール:
I am still investigating and checking the status of tiger503, but
I think the cause of this problem is software (and system BIOS),
not the system hardware.
But it is just complicated, I will try to describe this problem as
below, but I am not sure I can describe all of my thinking (but I dare
to try it).
In the new version tigers (2522, 2523, 2524 nd 2525), system BIOS
detects 4 gig memory, but FreeBSD automatically reduces upper
512MB memory block.
In /usr/src/sys/i386/i386/machdep.c:
#ifndef PAE
if (smap->base >= 0xffffffff) {
printf("%uK of memory above 4GB ignored\n",
(u_int)(smap->length / 1024));
goto next_run;
This code seems to be affected at above 4GB memory environment, but some
kinds of motherboards are affected at "just" 4GB memory. I verified
this is affected at all above new version of tigers (they have 4GB
I am still investigating and checking the status of tiger503, but
I think the cause of this problem is software (and system BIOS),
not the system hardware.
But it is just complicated, I will try to describe this problem as
below, but I am not sure I can describe all of my thinking (but I dare
to try it).
In the new version tigers (2522, 2523, 2524 nd 2525), system BIOS
detects 4 gig memory, but FreeBSD automatically reduces upper
512MB memory block.
In /usr/src/sys/i386/i386/machdep.c:
#ifndef PAE
if (smap->base >= 0xffffffff) {
printf("%uK of memory above 4GB ignored\n",
(u_int)(smap->length / 1024));
goto next_run;
This code seems to be affected at above 4GB memory environment, but some
kinds of motherboards are affected at "just" 4GB memory. I verified
this is affected at all above new version of tigers (they have 4GB
99root▲ ★
NGNG I investigate this strange behavior and I found some documents, and they
described that it is reserved area for 32bit PCI DMA, and it is the
limit of 32bit OS environment. As a practical matter, all 4GB version
of cobras (64bit OS) are very fine and detects 4GB memory in linear.
Certainly, FreeBSD supports PAE (Physical Address Extension) feature, it
is for breaking this 32bit address limit (e.g. see #ifndef in above code).
But current FreeBSD's PAE code is very poor and under development. I
tried to enable PAE feature at tiger2522 at June, but this makes
unstable the whole of the system.
But its reservation should be automatically occurred. The new tigers'
BIOS automatically do this, but the original tiger (tiger503) seems to
be not. So, we may need to upgrade the system BIOS of tiger503.
But tiger503 may hang up in a several days in another problem, the cause
of the problem is still not decided, and I want to continue the
investigation and checking the status of tiger503 for more several days.
described that it is reserved area for 32bit PCI DMA, and it is the
limit of 32bit OS environment. As a practical matter, all 4GB version
of cobras (64bit OS) are very fine and detects 4GB memory in linear.
Certainly, FreeBSD supports PAE (Physical Address Extension) feature, it
is for breaking this 32bit address limit (e.g. see #ifndef in above code).
But current FreeBSD's PAE code is very poor and under development. I
tried to enable PAE feature at tiger2522 at June, but this makes
unstable the whole of the system.
But its reservation should be automatically occurred. The new tigers'
BIOS automatically do this, but the original tiger (tiger503) seems to
be not. So, we may need to upgrade the system BIOS of tiger503.
But tiger503 may hang up in a several days in another problem, the cause
of the problem is still not decided, and I want to continue the
investigation and checking the status of tiger503 for more several days.
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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