- International situation board local rule *1.The repetition thread is not good.
Let's examine it by 【 log menu in the past 】 and 【 two 】 before the thread is set up.
In the same page, it is possible to retrieve it by "Edit" →"Retrieval of this page" or "Retrieved character string" of a browser (Or, Win"Ctrl+F" key Mac "Command + F" key).
The thread is applied to one topic, united to one thread, and made a series as much as possible.
Please write a detailed topic and the question in the relating each thread.
2.Cotehansred is deleted.
Even if a lot of Res is attached, the treatment of the deletion or the thread stop is taken about the thread to be deleted obviously.
3.These acts are the prohibitions in the international situation board.
- Abuse, provocation, discrimination, and slander slanders to specific individual (person related to group and board resident To) and regions
- Remark to fuel others without permission with specific individual by decision accessory and naming
- Writing concerning individual privacy like individual information etc.
- ASCII art of continuous Copipe and fuel purpose
- It sexual expresses it, and it is a content and a ribaldry material including obscene sentences.
- The misunderstanding and the unpleasantness are given to others, and the content troubled you.
- Hysteric insistence that exceeds each "** Kill the person" etc.
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
2005/10/13(木) 22:15:08ID:Dlb+W6nt019カダイダ
2005/10/13(木) 23:26:06ID:Dlb+W6nt0 _━━━━━━_ _━━━━━━_
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2005/10/13(木) 23:37:25ID:ZudX18Hf0 ↓むぎゅ。
2005/10/13(木) 23:41:31ID:DCIHMXRp022動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる
2005/10/13(木) 23:46:21ID:5t+JqM+/0 ↓どぴゅっ
2005/10/13(木) 23:47:32ID:DCIHMXRp0 ↓ぽいっ
2005/10/14(金) 00:02:19ID:LiwKx8f70の
真・スレッドストッパー。。。( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリッ
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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