$ httping -G -g http://live24.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/dancesite/1201354833/
PING live24.2ch.net:80 (http://live24.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/dancesite/1201354833/):
connected to live24.2ch.net:80, seq=0 time=16825.79 ms
connected to live24.2ch.net:80, seq=1 time=1073.27 ms
connected to live24.2ch.net:80, seq=2 time=929.29 ms
connected to live24.2ch.net:80, seq=3 time=12427.38 ms
connected to live24.2ch.net:80, seq=4 time=2150.02 ms
connected to live24.2ch.net:80, seq=5 time=13228.99 ms
connected to live24.2ch.net:80, seq=6 time=985.81 ms
connected to live24.2ch.net:80, seq=7 time=990.81 ms
connected to live24.2ch.net:80, seq=8 time=14127.76 ms
connected to live24.2ch.net:80, seq=9 time=986.29 ms
--- http://live24.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/dancesite/1201354833/ ping statistics ---
345 connects, 343 ok, 0.58% failed
round-trip min/avg/max = 922.1/5162.4/25993.6 ms
$ httping -G -g http://yutori.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4vip/1201964441/
PING yutori.2ch.net:80 (http://yutori.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4vip/1201964441/):
connected to yutori.2ch.net:80, seq=0 time=319.45 ms
connected to yutori.2ch.net:80, seq=1 time=313.40 ms
connected to yutori.2ch.net:80, seq=2 time=315.38 ms
connected to yutori.2ch.net:80, seq=3 time=313.67 ms
connected to yutori.2ch.net:80, seq=4 time=322.88 ms
connected to yutori.2ch.net:80, seq=5 time=318.63 ms
connected to yutori.2ch.net:80, seq=6 time=321.33 ms
connected to yutori.2ch.net:80, seq=7 time=327.55 ms
connected to yutori.2ch.net:80, seq=8 time=315.23 ms
connected to yutori.2ch.net:80, seq=9 time=315.81 ms
--- http://yutori.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4vip/1201964441/ ping statistics ---
34 connects, 34 ok, 0.00% failed
round-trip min/avg/max = 313.4/378.8/1400.9 ms
【実況】 live23+live24 Part26
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
573stream ◆PNstream2s
2008/02/03(日) 00:07:35ID:9ruvEX450■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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