>>171 and Jim-san,
Jim-san, I think you can order to store/save idol's image in banana3001
to "the capable guys" officially. They already did for pie, idol, sakura0[1-3] in banana3001,
and now they works fine.
So, Jim-san can order "Store/save the image of idol.bbspink.com and with 2ch settings
and tunings." simply and openly.
And please say "ai ai" to confirm it.
I believe "the capable guys" will do it sooner or later.
I've learned the method from Hiroyuki.
He calls it "Spontaneous cure".
But I think there are two important points.
1) Please do it definitely at the open place (this thread may be better).
2) Please don't do make a shortcut, this needs step-by-step works.
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