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花子 ★の秘密の花園
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
>>276 translation
Next step is to store idol-KAKO-logs in banana3001.
In order to do that, NTTech needs to ask the person, who stored pie-KAKO-logs in banana3001 before, to do the following 2 operations;
*request to make an account
*request to make 2ch-setting
If Jim-san may say "ai-ai" to a person, who can do that,
that person might be able to do those operations.
Just like 2ch-administrator sometimes says "ai-ai", and in response to this I request someone to chaneg DNS
Next step is to store idol-KAKO-logs in banana3001.
In order to do that, NTTech needs to ask the person, who stored pie-KAKO-logs in banana3001 before, to do the following 2 operations;
*request to make an account
*request to make 2ch-setting
If Jim-san may say "ai-ai" to a person, who can do that,
that person might be able to do those operations.
Just like 2ch-administrator sometimes says "ai-ai", and in response to this I request someone to chaneg DNS
>>277 translation
The following are those requests which are necessary.
1)to make an account on banana3001, login-name should be bbspinkidol
2)to make 2ch-setting on that account
note;NO memory disc is necessary, NO DNS change is necessary.
3)to move idol.bbspink.com there, and adjust CGI.
4)to change DNS entry of idol.bbspink.com.
NTTech needs to ask someone, who are able to do those operations, to get (1)and(2) done.
Therefore MIRV-san answers >268, if we ask MIRV-san directly, that does not work, which means those requests won't reach to the person who are able to do them.
I can do (3).
(4), someone in Jim-san's company can take care of it.
(If not, why is idol.bbspink.com onto banana3222 now?)
The following are those requests which are necessary.
1)to make an account on banana3001, login-name should be bbspinkidol
2)to make 2ch-setting on that account
note;NO memory disc is necessary, NO DNS change is necessary.
3)to move idol.bbspink.com there, and adjust CGI.
4)to change DNS entry of idol.bbspink.com.
NTTech needs to ask someone, who are able to do those operations, to get (1)and(2) done.
Therefore MIRV-san answers >268, if we ask MIRV-san directly, that does not work, which means those requests won't reach to the person who are able to do them.
I can do (3).
(4), someone in Jim-san's company can take care of it.
(If not, why is idol.bbspink.com onto banana3222 now?)
>>278 translation
The tariff of Z company says "2ch-setting will be at market value.",
I guess, so probably you might be able to ask it "at market value".
(When qiufen server got 2ch-setting, someones said "it's on 79's credit.")
The tariff of Z company says "2ch-setting will be at market value.",
I guess, so probably you might be able to ask it "at market value".
(When qiufen server got 2ch-setting, someones said "it's on 79's credit.")
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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