( ゚д゚) < 今は、まだ何もしなくていいよね
Dear QB,
I have seen many of your posts, and I am sure you are a good guy.
I will have to ask a few more people for references first. Fox, Hiroyuki
Mumumu 79 and Mirv.
If they say you are a good guy too, then it is OK..:) and my answer will
be yes.
These are my close friends, and since sometimes I don't understand
the politics of 2ch. I depend on their opinions a lot.
I hope you understand, I can't give an immediate yes. Not because I don't
want to, but because I don't know enough about you yet.
Lets become friends....:)
Your friend,
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823あっち@ ◆qb.x27/m96
2008/12/17(水) 20:25:36ID:iZWhQcDu0■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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