▽木遁の術 (水遁された忍法帖を破棄)
名前欄に!ninja 本文に!Mokuton
「破門 → 一から出直すでござる。。。」が表示されれば成功
▽水遁データ検索「風遁も含む」 http://suiton.geo.jp/
▽土遁データ検索「雷遁も含む」 http://doton.geo.jp/
[test]書き込みテスト 専用スレッド581[テスト]
[test]書き込みテスト 専用スレッド582[テスト]
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
2013/03/21(木) 01:14:12.06ID:xq3sT6uNT2013/03/23(土) 07:25:01.75ID:K512qdeK0
2013/03/23(土) 08:14:34.12ID:GzmlbLEu0
2013/03/23(土) 08:20:44.83ID:iC7bsIxP0
2013/03/23(土) 08:21:14.59ID:iqU788XZP
495 忍法帖【Lv=3,xxxP】(1+0:10)
2013/03/23(土) 08:25:06.58ID:LQZk1hEa0 あさ
2013/03/23(土) 08:49:14.76ID:31x4WOzk0
2013/03/23(土) 09:59:38.64ID:3AizoR010
おはようございま〜す♪(´ε` )!
5171ninja ●
2013/03/23(土) 10:34:06.88ID:fupbKLW50 てst
523 忍法帖【Lv=6,xxxP】(-1+0:10)
2013/03/23(土) 11:03:27.70ID:kHaxOnyb0 test
526 忍法帖【Lv=17,xxxPT】(2+0:10)
2013/03/23(土) 11:23:39.67ID:F8dweiNX0 test
2013/03/23(土) 11:24:38.41ID:4JYviTDe0 テストテストテストテストテストテストテストテストテストテストテストテストテストテストテストテストテストテストテストテストテストテストテストテストテストテストテストテスト>>1
528 忍法帖【Lv=7,xxxP】(0+0:10)
2013/03/23(土) 11:24:45.56ID:kHaxOnyb0 test
531 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】(1+0:10) 【東電 73.2 %】
2013/03/23(土) 12:18:57.65ID:vj7PvrE90 テスト
2013/03/23(土) 13:37:28.24ID:XHGpFsJz0
2013/03/23(土) 14:16:09.65ID:6nOZEdW6O ててすと
541 忍法帖【Lv=6,xxxP】(1+0:10)
2013/03/23(土) 14:39:03.42ID:wt5MzmoW0 8
2013/03/23(土) 15:37:32.53ID:kVIgCwHL0
549 忍法帖【Lv=4,xxxP】(1+0:10)
2013/03/23(土) 15:53:02.04ID:pBN27Oiq0 a
556 忍法帖【Lv=35,xxxPT】(1+0:10)
2013/03/23(土) 17:12:19.63ID:zFHYpFz50 あ
557 忍法帖【Lv=9,xxxP】(1+0:10)
2013/03/23(土) 17:13:56.17ID:Y0GM6MwC0 てす
2013/03/23(土) 17:22:14.55ID:r9dUKqtJ0
2013/03/23(土) 17:43:30.76ID:TKY90k2g0
2013/03/23(土) 18:35:23.32ID:UrAw398n0
2013/03/23(土) 18:52:03.37ID:fJaeeaUo0
2013/03/23(土) 18:53:57.63ID:x5b6cuAh0
2013/03/23(土) 18:57:02.16ID:IyP9p7wA0
579 忍法帖【Lv=14,xxxPT】(1+0:10) 【Dlivebs1352367236524081】
2013/03/23(土) 18:57:51.80ID:APoQQMmC0 It is within the scope of the IC card in the first place, or rather rude
You can hop on and off ticket is because of the premise, that you run out of range
Ticket because I do not consider,
Is processed strictly, once settled at the station to buy a ticket for the bullet train ride ー earth,
And ticket to the destination station to buy tickets to the new ー
I do not force anyone who might somehow understand some station staff,
Only in the special case with special or
You can hop on and off ticket is because of the premise, that you run out of range
Ticket because I do not consider,
Is processed strictly, once settled at the station to buy a ticket for the bullet train ride ー earth,
And ticket to the destination station to buy tickets to the new ー
I do not force anyone who might somehow understand some station staff,
Only in the special case with special or
581 忍法帖【Lv=14,xxxPT】(2+0:10) 【Dlivebs1352367236524081】
2013/03/23(土) 19:01:34.73ID:APoQQMmC0 → → Shinkansen bullet train tickets, conventional lines
Earlier when, in the IC card to ride conventional lines in the figure above
Some processing pass (I learned the person who bought before me) offer when you purchase a ticket at the station Shinkansen and conventional lines of communication, and was riding in the IC card, the card
Printed as "cancellation window" where I was confirmed later
Boarding station IC card is available in both the contact station, has become a dedicated ticket machine contact, it is a normal ticket for the Shinkansen feel seen.
I thought so at first fare is drawn, of course, "It's me his misunderstanding refund"
It is a trend of a little while ago and had been mistaken.
Sorry for the lack of explanation ...
Earlier when, in the IC card to ride conventional lines in the figure above
Some processing pass (I learned the person who bought before me) offer when you purchase a ticket at the station Shinkansen and conventional lines of communication, and was riding in the IC card, the card
Printed as "cancellation window" where I was confirmed later
Boarding station IC card is available in both the contact station, has become a dedicated ticket machine contact, it is a normal ticket for the Shinkansen feel seen.
I thought so at first fare is drawn, of course, "It's me his misunderstanding refund"
It is a trend of a little while ago and had been mistaken.
Sorry for the lack of explanation ...
582 忍法帖【Lv=14,xxxPT】(3+0:10) 【Dlivebs1352367236524081】
2013/03/23(土) 19:03:19.41ID:APoQQMmC0 Pink grapefruit good you skinny
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