Hi, I'm a auxiliary developer for 2channel browser 'twintail'.
I've examed new nethod to get past-log from rokka.bbspink.com then I found some minor problems.
1) rokka does not receive UrlEncoded SID and returns 'Error69'.
Usually parameters of QueryString should be UrlEncoded, Maru did.
So most of 2channel browsers send UrlEncoded SID, then it will be failed.
But rokka returns Error69 which is authentication eroor, developers would confuse.
Please make it to allow receive UrlEndoed SID.
2) The request URL is not standard format.
Standard QueryString format is http://server/?<;1st key>=<1sr parm>&<2nd key>=<2nd parm>....
But rokka does not use '?'. This makes also developers confusing.
Please make it to allow receive standard QueryString.
3) On received dat, 1st line is "rokka.com\n'.
dats from 2channel has no such line. This makes imcompatibility fo dats.
Please eliminate it.