UrlEncoded and standard, Error69. should be accepted
non-UrlEncoded and standard, success
non-UrlEncoded and non-standard, Error69. could be accepted because Maru could accept this non-standard and some browser would send this.
UrlEncoded and non-standard, Error69. could be accepted because Maru could accept this non-standard and some browser would send this.
Please make it accept all of above.
3) Fine. But it is a little hard to branch error condition.
If the server responded with follwoing status code, it made (me) clear.
inputError = "Error 8008135" 404 Not Found what does "input" mean ?
authenticationError = "Error 69" 401 Unauthorized this should be returned only when SID is invalid
or 400 Bad Request because when 401 has been received, IE will open athentication dialog(not sure)
urlError = "Error 666" 400 Bad Request this should be returned in case of 1)2)
timeLimitError = "Error 420" 401 Unauthorized if Error420 means SID expired
If there are some difficulties to send status code in response header, you can use 1st line for indiccating those errors,
and 'Success' which is fixed static string to make detection easily.
I don't have any raw dat response from Maru but I found my old program-code skiped 1st line.
Did Maru return error or success code in 1st line? It can't know now, either.
4) Fine.
With 'raw=0.0' , response header contains "gzip" and content is gzipped correctly.
Without 'raw=0.0' , response header does not contains "gzip" and content is plane text.
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