1. Confirmed.
2. Confirmed.
3. It's OK. We should comply with standard.
> Old maru returned a success code on first line. Should I add this?
Now I got it why my old code skipped 1st line.
Let's define and declare usage of 1st line of archieved dat;
1st line indicates processed status of the server.
"Success" - The process has successfuly done. Following lines are achieved message with dat format(name<>email<>datetime<>body<>[title]).
"Error XXX" - The process has not succeeded. XXX is error code.
> If the server responded with follwoing status code, it made (me) clear.
> inputError = "Error 8008135" 404 Not Found what does "input" mean ?
> :
I mean '404 not found''401 Unauthorized' are status field in server response header, not in response text.
If confuguring server were difficult, forget abut it and return original (your 1st issue) error text.
Because now we can use 1st line of response text to indicate status. It's not nessesary to use status field in response header.
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