Rokka.bbspink.com was down. I forgot to turn it on, sorry! I fixed it so that it will never turn off again.
Rokka first checks for any syntax error in the "http://rokka.bbspink.com/pele/erobbs/1285357421" part of the url.
If this part of the URL is typed correctly, then it will check and authenticate the user sid.
If the user SID is authenticated properly, then it will parse the options.
After parsing options, it sends a request to the dat file.
>These are acceptable (browser developer's fault) but invalid thread number should inform to browser user.
>Could you make it error with another code?
Yes I will do that today.
水玉(Mizutama), can you make a new thread to talk about this on a board? I am not sure which server and which board is most appropriate.
Yes, we will move to a new thread.
■ 2ちゃんねるWiki Part6.0 [プロジェクト・制度解説・FAQなど]
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
133C ◆Odemonkey.
2013/09/11(水) 11:48:25.60ID:KAxHSN0w0■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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