
2ch and BBSPINK need an API update.

Old method (http://www.monazilla.org/index.php?e=205):
Login and password -> futen.cgi
futen.cgi -> SID
sid -> offlaw.cgi
offlaw.cgi -> archived data

New method:
Login and password -> futen.cgi
futen.cgi -> SID
sid -> rokka.bbspink.com / rokka.2ch.net
rokka.bbspink.com -> archived data

Example of new method:


http://rokka.<;SITENAME>.<COM or NET>/<SERVER NAME>/<BOARD NAME>/<DAT NUMBER>/<OPTIONS>&amp;raw=0.0&amp;sid=<SID>

Sid length = 192 characters

Currently BBSPINK archived dat is enabled. 2CH archived dat is disabled. After a couple of days, then 2CH archived dat will be enabled.

Thank you. If you have any questions, please ask me.