
695 自分:corrected 691[sage] 投稿日:2013/08/30(金) NY:AN:NY.AN ID:yGll+KeW [4/4]
In this time, as far as I know, the police authority in Japan including Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department would NOT accept the damage report from us.
Because, strictly speaking, we are not a victim of cyber-attack on 25 Aug. And they will NOT start the investigation into this case until you submit it. 
So, I highly appreciate it if you take out of the damage report to Japanese authority.If you do, you can contribute to avoiding further damage of your customer.

699 返信:xerxes.maido3.net ◆FUCKKER.Gw [] 投稿日:2013/08/30(金) NY:AN:NY.AN ID:/w1H0yBT [6/6]
That is done. I have been speaking to an English speaking officer there.