677 名前:名無し編集部員[sage] 投稿日:2013/08/29(木) NY:AN:NY.AN ID:LfFmSDVS
Hey, Jim-san.

120 deleters' accounts of 2ch and their mail addresses are flowed out from 2ch a few hours ago.
No one except the cracker know which server has been cracked.

Servers are now being cracked,
so could you stop them to prevent from cracking?

678 名前:xerxes.maido3.net ◆FUCKKER.Gw [] 投稿日:2013/08/30(金) NY:AN:NY.AN ID:/w1H0yBT
Yes, I agree with you, and the cracker is causing trouble.
So as not to entertain the the hacker, I won't say what we are doing.
I will say that some of the 2ch systems will have to change.