Request for removing an illegal site from your server
Dear Sir or Madam,
Hello. I would like to request for removing illegal web site from your servers.
The web site address is '
'.(after this I call it as 'maru')
This is the detail circumstances: On August 25th, 40,000 credit card information was leaked from NT technology Inc.,.
It includes all the personal data related credit cards, such as name, address, phone number, card number, expiration date,
and security code.
Also leaked data was included the log data of the semi-anonymity forum. (It means that anyone cannot see who writing.)
It contains the data with possible loss of social reliance, if open to the public.
Please see the detail from the following link.
This is a Japanese site, so could you use the translate service such as Google translate etc.
This is a NT technology Inc., site.
>N.T.Technology, inc was a victim of a cyber attack earlier today.
>Some data for customers was compromised. Your data may have
>been compromised. The security hole has been fixed, and is safe to use again.
maru is helping to associate between the personal data and the log of the forum.
Following above, maru is assisting the fraud and deformation of character. Thus, I strongly request the site removal.
Your attention would be much appreciated.
Best Regards,
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
2013/08/31(土) NY:AN:NY.ANID:zFsThtlDi
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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