807 名前:名無し編集部員[sage] 投稿日:2013/09/01(日) 17:59:57.56 ID:z2DLmyAp [1/4]
Good evening.
Jim-san Your identification is highly recommended with showing your IP address once
in a day, I emphasize again.
By the way, as you has already explained us that you had taken out of the damage report
of the cyber-attack on 25 Aug to Japanese authority, I have two questions on this point.
1.Has the authority accepted it ?
2. Has they started the investigation into this attack?
810 名前:xerxes.maido3.net[] 投稿日:2013/09/01(日) 19:27:08.04 ID:mDf5vmbb [3/5]
I doubt they work on the week-ends. It was turned in to them Friday night.
I am sure they will accept it, as they requested it.
814 名前:名無し編集部員[sage] 投稿日:2013/09/01(日) 20:32:16.33 ID:z2DLmyAp [2/4]
>>810 I am very worried whether the authority will accept the damage report or not.
Because there is the difference between ' to accept' and 'to take note'.
In shore, the former, they are responsibility for doing investigation, but, the latter, they are not.
In the future they will accept it, I hope. Because so many Japanese suffered from the
damage which was caused by the cyber-attack. Your kindness to the victims highly appreciated.
815 名前:xerxes.maido3.net[] 投稿日:2013/09/01(日) 21:13:33.24 ID:mDf5vmbb [4/5]
When they go to work on Monday I will clarify that. I will find out the
difference between accept, and take note with them.
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2013/09/01(日) 23:51:49.12ID:9VnzG1GD0
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